B OARD P OLICY 4204 – Classification Review Policy The Chancellor shall establish procedures that require the Yosemite Community College District to conduct a regular review of Classified Bargaining Unit and Leadership Team positions. Implementation is subject to negotiation, with each position undergoing and completing a review a minimum of once every five years. All reclassification actions shall be subject to review and confirmation by the Chancellor and Board of Trustees. Adopted: June 28, 2004 Revision Adopted: October 14, 2009
H ISTORY Replaced the 5-year process Classification Review Advisory Committee formed Two new processes Individual process piloted Fall 2009 Fall 2010 First Cyclical & Individual Cycle
I NDIVIDUAL R EVIEW P ROCESS Opportunity to request review Position review (not person) Employee’s option & responsibility Opens Friday, November 18 Closes Monday, December noon
C YCLICAL R EVIEW P ROCESS ALL classified & management positions An ongoing process 33.3% of all jobs each year Fall 2010, 2011 and 2012
P OSITIONS Management & 41 Classified Management & 40 Classified Management & 41 Classified ( individuals per year)
R EQUIREMENTS & D OCUMENTATION Classification Review Document Current Job Description (for Individual reviews only) Immediate supervisor statement Second level manager review Documents Available online:
E MPLOYEE P ARTICIPATION Accurate snapshot of duties Staff participation is important Managers please assist your staff Outcomes will be shared with all staff in affected series
C OMMITTEE C ONSIDERATIONS Current job description Classification Review Document (CRD) Supervisor input Temporary vs. permanent Level NOT volume
C OMMITTEE D OES NOT Interview staff Edit existing job descriptions Create new job descriptions Edit existing salaries Create new salaries
C OMMITTEE R ECOMMENDATIONS Apply current structure/internal equity Recommendations to HR & Chancellor Employee notification following approval Appeals to HR within 14-days To Chancellor/Board for approval The role of the committee concludes once recommendations are provided to HR.
C LASSIFICATION R EVIEW F ALL 2011 Available online: