e-Portfolio Training e-Portfolio October 2009 The e-Portfolio working party “An opportunity for you to have your say” These slides describe the possible components of the RCoA e-Portfolio. The appearance of the completed e-Portfolio will be different and depend upon the supplier of the system.
e-Portfolio Underpinning concepts Security of personal information is paramount Security of personal information is paramount Users will see only the information they require Users will see only the information they require Data should be entered only once Data should be entered only once Components within the overall system may be used differently by Schools of Anaesthesia Components within the overall system may be used differently by Schools of Anaesthesia System accessible using computer, web-tablet or smart-phone with full web-browser System accessible using computer, web-tablet or smart-phone with full web-browser System should include all major components of the Foundation portfolio System should include all major components of the Foundation portfolio 2
e-Portfolio Design philosophy The system should be as simple and satisfying as possible to use, even if this implies increased complexity within the programming. The system should be as simple and satisfying as possible to use, even if this implies increased complexity within the programming. The system should save time and reduce effort, not create problems. The system should save time and reduce effort, not create problems. 3
e-Portfolio Fundamental objectives A single National database enabling effective communication between College, Deaneries, Trusts and Individuals. A single National database enabling effective communication between College, Deaneries, Trusts and Individuals. A secure digital depository for trainees to keep information about their progress. A secure digital depository for trainees to keep information about their progress. A system to collate and analyze training information for ARCPs. A system to collate and analyze training information for ARCPs. An administrative system to enable Schools to manage their rotations. An administrative system to enable Schools to manage their rotations. 4
e-Portfolio Caveats Complex databases don’t work straight away Complex databases don’t work straight away – Users will need to accept teething problems – Hopefully most problems sorted during piloting Adequate support for users will be essential Adequate support for users will be essential Not all components of the specification may prove workable Not all components of the specification may prove workable 5
e-Portfolio Tensions in Portfolio design ReflectivelearningEvidence-basedAssessmentFormativeEducation 6 It is difficult to balance the three components of the portfolio. Different users have different needs and we must try to accommodate all of these
e-Portfolio Components of e-Portfolio 7 7 AdministrationAdministration PlanningPlanningContentManagementContentManagement ReportingReporting CollegeCollegeNotificationsAlertsDiaryNotificationsAlertsDiary Meetings, Certificates, etc. Meetings, CatalogueCatalogue Reflective learning Standard Reports Ah Hoc Reports Standard Reports Ah Hoc Reports E -P ORTFOLIO Workplace-based assessments
e-Portfolio 8 E -P ORTFOLIO 1.Will include all trainees and trainers – effectively most anaesthetists; 2. The complex relationships between Training units, Trusts, Schools and Deaneries has been carefully considered; 3. Will be owned by Royal College accessible to all trainees, assessors, supervisors, College Tutors and Regional Advisors; 4.Links trainees, trainers and administrators 5.Facilitates multi-source feedback (MSF) 1.Will include all trainees and trainers – effectively most anaesthetists; 2. The complex relationships between Training units, Trusts, Schools and Deaneries has been carefully considered; 3. Will be owned by Royal College accessible to all trainees, assessors, supervisors, College Tutors and Regional Advisors; 4.Links trainees, trainers and administrators 5.Facilitates multi-source feedback (MSF)
e-Portfolio Workplace-based assessment front page Satisfactory Performance – no structured feedback (You can provide additional feedback using free text boxes below) ❍ Satisfactory Performance – structured feedback added (Structured feedback is easier to analyze than free text comments). ❍ Unsatisfactory Performance – reasons for failure using structured feedback mandatory ❍ GMC Supervisor Number: ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Examples of good practice: Areas of practice requiring improvement: Further learning and experience should focus on: 9 e-Portfolioe-Portfolio Workplace-based assessments
e-Portfolio Record keeping Provision for stored files to be “public” or “private” Provision for stored files to be “public” or “private” Records of educational contacts and associated appraisals Records of educational contacts and associated appraisals Ability to store certificates of educational attainment Ability to store certificates of educational attainment – Life support certification, examinations, diplomas, CME certificates Provision of forms to facilitate educational record keeping Provision of forms to facilitate educational record keeping Validation of components by educational supervisor Validation of components by educational supervisor 10 e-Portfolioe-Portfolio LibraryLibrary Meetings and Certificates
e-Portfolio Forms to facilitate record keeping of: Attendance at educational courses and conferences Attendance at educational courses and conferences Participation in audit Participation in audit Presentations Presentations Record of submissions Record of submissions – Papers, Posters, Audits, Articles, Letters Teaching skills Teaching skills Management, administration and leadership skills Management, administration and leadership skills Record of useful reading and other information sources Record of useful reading and other information sources 11 e-Portfolioe-Portfolio Reflective Learning
e-Portfolio Reporting should allow the user to select from a list of standard reports or generate ‘one-off) Ad Hoc reports, such as: - – Summary of workplace-based assessments – Educational supervisors report – ARCP Form template (Possible) 12 e-Portfolioe-PortfolioReportsReports
e-Portfolio System Reliability In the event of system ‘fall over’ – The data will be backed-up on a nightly basis Data will be recoverable – There will also be a back-up located at the RCoA Data will be back up to more than one location 13
e-Portfolio Comments please… This presentation only illustrates the major components planned for the e-Portfolio. The e-Portfolio will belong to the trainees and trainers of the Royal College. We welcome constructive comments or criticisms from users, so that we can produce a system that is fit for purpose of our User Community. Please respond either using the accompanying survey, or by e- mail to: 14