R. Barbara Gitenstein October 6, 2008
Provide appropriate input on team Convene colleagues Organize work Articulate and focus on standards Focus on institutional mission Preserve collegial process Aim for consensus Write clear, concise, honest report
Consult MSCHE documents and pamphlets Engage the members of your team as a team Communicate clear and detailed expectations Engage the institutional representatives Complete as much work before the visit as possible Use preliminary visit and team visit days well
Team Communication #1 Introduction and expectations for participation Logistics and process, assign standards Team Communication #2 Confirmation of assignment, site interview requests Site visit schedule, reporting expectations Team Communication #3 Conference call confirmation regarding assignments and expectations
Time Team Member 1Team Member 2Team Member 3Team Member 4Team Member 5Team Member 6Team Member 7Team Member 8Team Member 9 6:00-8:00amBreakfast at Hotel on your own 8:30 am Leave for Campus 8:45amOrientation to Document Room 9:00am Director of Langsdale Library Senior Vice President Administration Associate Dean of Director of Institutional Research Vice Provost Enrollment and Student Services Dean of Business Associate VP Government Relations 10:00am Director of Law Library Budget DirectorDirector of Admissions Outcome Assessment Committee President Bogomolny 11:00am 12:00pmLunch w/Steering Committee 1:30pm Off Campus Sites James Dutt 2:30pm University Council Director of Grants Director of Financial Aid Edward KemeryUniversity Council Vice President Institutional Advancement 3:30pmOpen Meeting for Faculty & Staff 5:30pm Return to Hotel 7:00pmTeam Dinner/Meeting Hotel Boardroom
The team member who tries to force his personal institutional experience on the institution The team member who does not play well with others The institutional representative who goes missing during the visit
The institution learns from colleagues ways to improve. The team members (including the chair) learn from colleagues ways to improve their institutions. The commission receives all the necessary material for timely action on accreditation.