Ultimate Offer Step 1: NLP Confirmation Step 2: “Reason Why” Intro Step 3: The Big Benefit Step 4: Just For You Step 5: The Walkthrough Step 6: The Price
Ultimate Offer Step 7: Booster #1 Step 8: Risk Reversal Step 9: Booster #2 Step 10: Recap Step 11: Repeat Booster #2 Step 12: Repeat Risk Reversal
Step 1: TRIPLE FACT HERE. (You don’t have to type it, you can just say it.)
Product Name Here (That’s why I’ve created this)
Next is a bunch of “Specifically designed to help you Big Benefit” statements.
Build A List
Hold A Webinar
Next is a bunch of “If you want to” statements.
Build Authority
Create A Loyal Following
Get A Highly Responsive List
Build Massive Goodwill
And Sell Like Crazy
All in 28 days...
Here’s How We’ll Do It:
Big Picture Overview Of Product Module 1: Recon and Registrants Module 2: Indoctrination Module 3: Your Ultimate Sales Webinar Module 4: Maximizing Revenue
Module 1: Breakdown Of Benefits. Discover who your best prospects are, so you can attract people most likely to buy. Benefit so you can
Module 1: breakdown Continued Benefit so you can
Module 2: Breakdown Benefit so you can
Module 2: Breakdown Benefit so you can
Module 3: Breakdown Benefit So You Can Benefit so you can
Module 4: Breakdown Benefit so you can
You Are Getting The Exact System
I Personally Used To XYZ
The Price? Value Build Statement. Value build statement. Reinforcement of value.
But Way More AFFORDABLE Payment option price #1. Full pay price (make more appealing than payment option price by offering discount).
BUT IT GETS BETTER The first X to Y can make just three X payments of $BETTER DEAL. Or SAVE AN ADDITIONAL $XXX by making one payment of MUCH BETTER DEAL! CallToActionURL.com
Here’s What To Do Next CallToActionURL.com Choose your payment plan. Then X Will Happen Then Y Will Happen Then Z Will Happen
Recap of “If you want to” statements...
Learn how to build a list...
Create authority...
Build trust...
And have a webinar that SELLS...
In just 28 days!
But it STILL Gets Better! BEST GUARANTEE EVER. Detailed Walkthrough Of Guarantee CallToActionURL.com
ULTIMATE GUARANTEE Detailed Walkthrough of guarantee slide two if needed. CallToActionURL.com
If by the end of that time you decide it’s not for you...
CallToActionURL.com Let me know and I’ll give you a full refund.
CallToActionURL.com No questions asked.
CallToActionURL.com And you can still keep EVERYTHING!
CallToActionURL.com No wiggle clauses.
CallToActionURL.com No shenanigans.
CallToActionURL.com Your word is gold.
But it STILL gets even better!! BRAND NEW: BONUS #1 Benefit so you can. Benefit So you can. CallToActionURL.com
But it STILL gets even better!! BRAND NEW: Bonus #2 Benefit So You Can CallToActionURL.com
WE’RE STILL NOT DONE! BRAND NEW: Bonus #3! Benefit So You Can CallToActionURL.com
Recap Main Thing. Bonus 1 Bonus 2 Bonus 3 CallToActionURL.com
Recap Reason to order now (discount). Three easy payments of $XX or... Save an additional $YY by making one payment of $ZZZ. CallToActionURL.com
Recap Best guarantee EVER: Description of Risk Reversal. CallToActionURL.com
CallToActionURL.com I plan to raise the price THIS WEEK!
CallToActionURL.com You’ve watched this entire presentation.
CallToActionURL.com You want webinars that SELL YOUR STUFF.
CallToActionURL.com And you KNOW this is an EXCELLENT VALUE.
CallToActionURL.com Take advantage of this incredible discount...
CallToActionURL.com The amazing bonuses...
CallToActionURL.com And the “CAN’T LOSE” guarantee NOW.