Chapter 6 Configuring Windows Server 2008 Printing MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Server Administration (Exam #70-646) Chapter 6 Configuring Windows Server 2008 Printing
Learning Objectives Understand how Windows Server 2008 printing works Use the XPS Print Path Use the XML Paper Specification (XPS) Install the Print Services role Use the Printers window to configure printing properties MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Learning Objectives (cont’d.) Install local and shared printers Configure printer properties Configure a nonlocal or Internet printer Manage print jobs Use the Print Management tool Troubleshoot common printing problems MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
An Overview of Windows Server 2008 Printing Clients can print on local print devices or network print devices Network print client Workstation or application that generates the print job Network print server Computer or print server device offering the printer share MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
An Overview of Windows Server 2008 Printing (cont’d.) Print job Document or items to be printed Shared network printer device Object that is made available to network users for print services Spooling Frees the server CPU to handle other processing requests in addition to print requests Printer driver Provides the formatting instructions for a given printer MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
How Network Printing Works Software application at client generates a print file Application communicates with the Windows graphics device interface (GDI) Print file formatted with control codes to implement the special graphics, font, and color characteristics of the file Software application places print file in client’s spooler by writing spool file to spooling subfolder Remote print provider makes a remote procedure call to network print server MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
How Network Printing Works (cont’d.) Network print server uses four processes to receive and process a print file: Router, print provider, print processor, and print monitor Server service calls Print Spooler service Print provider works with print processor to ensure that file is formatted to use right data type Print monitor pulls file from spooler’s disk storage and sends it to printer MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
How Network Printing Works (cont’d.) Activity 6-1: Print Spooler Service Objective: Learn about the Print Spooler service and the services upon which it depends Figure 6-1 Viewing the description of the Print Spooler service Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
How Internet Printing Works Internet Information Services (IIS) must be installed and running in Windows Server 2008 Client must connect to the Windows Server 2008 IIS using a Web browser Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) Encapsulates the remote procedure call and print process information and is transported in HTTP Activity 6-2: Installing the Internet Printing Client Objective: Install the Internet Printing Client so that clients can use IPP MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Using the XPS Print Path XML Paper Specification (XPS) Advanced way of printing documents for multiple purposes, including viewing electronic pages and printing pages in a polished format Offered as an alternative to the GDI print path used by conventional documents XPS drive path uses XPSDrv Driver Model MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Installing the Print Services Role Use the Print Management tool to: Manage shared printers Track printing events through a log you can view using the Event Viewer Services within role Print Server Internet Printing LPD Service Activity 6-3: Installing the Print Services Role Objective: Install the Print Services role using Windows Server 2008 MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Using the Printers Window Enhanced from previous versions to enable more versatility Left pane - Favorite links to folders, folders on the server Right pane - Name, Documents, Status, Comments, Location Use File menu to: Add a printer, configure a shared printer, use a printer offline, configure a printer’s properties MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Using the Printers Window (cont’d.) Activity 6-4: Configuring the Print Server Properties Objective: Configure the print server properties from the Printers window Figure 6-3 Print Server Properties dialog box Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Installing Local and Shared Printers Any server or workstation can host a shared printer Figure 6-4 Shared network printers Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Installing a Printer Steps depend on the type of printer you are adding Plug and play Or Add Printer Wizard Activity 6-5: Installing a Printer Objective: Install a printer using the Add Printer Wizard MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Installing a Printer (cont’d.) Figure 6-5 Setting up a local printer Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Installing a Printer (cont’d.) Figure 6-6 Sharing a printer Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Enabling Printer Sharing on a Network Network printer sharing Enables printer sharing through the Windows Firewall Activity 6-6: Enabling Printer Sharing Objective: Turn on printer sharing over the network MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Configure Printer Properties Available by opening Control Panel Properties dialog box General printer information Printer sharing Printer port setup Printer scheduling and advanced options Security Device settings MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
General Printer Specifications General tab Name Location and Comment boxes Store special notes about the printer Printer model name Printing Preferences button Used to specify additional information Activity 6-7: Viewing Printing Preferences Objective: Determine the default setup for printing preferences on a printer MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
General Printer Specifications (cont’d.) Figure 6-7 Printer Properties General tab Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Sharing Printers Sharing tab List in the directory option Enable or disable a printer for sharing Specify name of the share List in the directory option To publish the printer through Active Directory Render print jobs on client computers option Print job is first prepared by software on the client and submitted to the spooler on the client Additional Drivers button Add new types of clients MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Sharing Printers (cont’d.) Figure 6-8 Configuring printer sharing Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Sharing Printers (cont’d.) Activity 6-8: Configuring the Domain Group Policy to Enable Publishing a Printer Objective: Learn how to enable printer publishing in the domain’s group policy MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Port Specifications Ports tab Bidirectional printing Printer pooling Specify which server port is used for the printer Options to set up bidirectional printing and printer pooling Bidirectional printing Used with printers that have bidirectional capability Printer pooling Configuring two or more identical printers connected to one print server MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Port Specifications (cont’d.) Figure 6-9 Configuring printer policies Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Port Specifications (cont’d.) Figure 6-10 Configuring printer ports Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Port Specifications (cont’d.) The Add Port button enables you to add a new port Local Port Standard TCP/IP Port Figure 6-11 Port options Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Port Specifications (cont’d.) Activity 6-9: Configuring Printer Pooling Objective: Learn how to configure printer pooling Activity 6-10: Transferring Print Jobs Objective: Learn how to transfer print jobs from a malfunctioning printer MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Printer Scheduling and Advanced Options Advanced tab Have printer available at all times or limit the time to range of hours Priority can be set from 1 to 99 Use spooled printing or bypass the spooler and send print files directly to the printer Printer scheduling Useful when there is one printer and two printer objects (shares) for that printer MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Printer Scheduling and Advanced Options (cont’d.) Hold mismatched documents option Causes the system to compare the setup of the printer with the setup in the document Print spooled documents first Enables jobs that have completed spooling to be printed, no matter what their priority Keep printed documents option Retains documents in the spooler after they have printed MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Printer Scheduling and Advanced Options (cont’d.) Enable advanced printing features option Use special features associated with a particular printer Printing Defaults button Specify default settings for print jobs Data types RAW RAW (FF appended) RAW (FF auto) NT EMF TEXT MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Printer Scheduling and Advanced Options (cont’d.) Separator Page option Prints a blank page at start of each job Activity 6-11: Changing Data Types Objective: Learn how to change the data type when printing problems occur MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Configuring Security Shared printer can be set up to use security features Share permissions, auditing, ownership Default permissions Everyone group—Print Creator Owner—Manage documents Administrator account—Print, Manage printers, and Manage documents Administrators, Server Operators, Print Operators groups—Print, Manage printers, and Manage documents MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Configuring Security (cont’d.) Figure 6-13 Configuring security Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Configuring Security (cont’d.) Table 6-1 Printer share permissions MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Configuring Security (cont’d.) Advanced button on the Security tab Special permissions Fine-tune shared printer permissions Printer auditing Activity 6-12: Configuring Printer Security Objective: Learn how to set up security on a shared printer MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Configuring Device Settings Device Settings tab Specify printer-specific settings Make sure memory reported in device settings matches the memory installed in printer MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Figure 6-14 Configuring shared printer auditing Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning Figure 6-15 Configuring printer device settings Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Configuring a Nonlocal Printer or an Internet Printer Connect to a network printer by using the Add Printer Wizard: Open the Printers window Double-click Add Printer Click Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer Select a printer from the list of printers found by the Add Printer Wizard Follow the instructions to complete the installation MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Managing Print Jobs Users with Print permissions can: Send print jobs to the printer Pause, resume, and restart their own print jobs Cancel their own print jobs Print Operators, Server Operators, and other groups having Manage documents permissions can: Pause, resume, and restart any user’s print jobs Cancel any user’s print jobs MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Controlling the Status of Printing Printer control and setup information for a particular printer associated with that printer’s properties Can pause a printer to fix a problem Figure 6-16 Pausing printing Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Controlling Specific Print Jobs Pause, resume, restart, or view the properties of one or more documents in the print queue of a printer Print queue Stack of print jobs First job submitted at the top of the stack and the last job submitted at the bottom Contains all jobs waiting to be sent from the spooler to the printer Change print priority Set time for selected jobs to print MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Controlling Specific Print Jobs (cont’d.) Activity 6-13: Pausing a Printer and Canceling a Document Objective: Learn how to pause a printer and cancel a document MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Using the Print Management Tool Also called the Print Management Console or PMC Centralizes shared printer control in one place Enables printer administrators and operators to manage the print functions of some or all of the shared printers on a network Tasks performed with Print Management tool Activity 6-14: Using the Print Management Tool Objective: Learn how to use the Print Management tool MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Using the Print Management Tool (cont’d.) Figure 6-18 Print Management tool Courtesy Course Technology/Cengage Learning MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Troubleshooting Common Printing Problems Windows Server 2008 Print Spooler service Experiences a temporary difficulty Gets out of synchronization Hangs Solution: stop and restart the print spooler service MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Table 6-2 Troubleshooting printing problems MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Summary Windows Server 2008 printing Internet printing Graphics device interface (GDI) Files spooled via Print Spooler services Internet printing Print files through Internet connection using HTTP and Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) Print Services role Turn Windows Server 2008 into print server Install printers using Add Printers Wizard MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)
Summary (cont’d.) Configure installed printers using properties Manage printer by pausing, resuming, and setting default printer Print Management tool consolidates network printer management Troubleshooting printer problems may be simple or complex MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Server Administration (Exam #70-646)