Before Opening a Door to the Corridor or Stairway Can you see or smell Smoke? > <Is the door Hot? Then Open Door> Created by Joe Glogowski
Tips about Smoke Not all stairways are pressurized to minimize the amount of smoke. If you see smoke on lower floors, exit the stairway and go to another exit. The temperature of the smoke and gases may reach 400F before a sprinkler activates. Smoke will kill you before the flames reach you.
If All Exits Routes Are Blocked by Smoke Stay low to floor where the air is cooler and there is less smoke. Move away from dense smoke, do not try to go through it. Go to a smoke-free room with a window Dial 100 or Identify your location on the window Minimize smoke infiltration. Place a towel, blanket, jacket, etc. along the base of the door. Or use duct tape to seal the door.