Introduction to Horn Antennas
Introduction Horn Antennas : flared waveguides that produce a nearly uniform phase front larger than the waveguide itself constructed in a variety of shapes such as sectoral E-plane, sectoral H-plane, pyramidal, conical, etc.
Application Areas used as a feed element for large radio astronomy, satellite tracking and communication dishes A common element of phased arrays used in the calibration, other high-gain antennas used for making electromagnetic interference measurements
E-plane Sectoral Horn Fields expressions OVER THE horn are similar to the fields of a TE10 mode for a rectangular waveguide with the aperture dimensions of a and b1. difference is in the complex exponential term, parabolic phase error,.
E- and H-Plane Patterns of the E-Plane Sectoral Horn * 07/16/96 E- and H-Plane Patterns of the E-Plane Sectoral Horn E-Plane H-Plane *
E- and H-Plane Patterns of the H-Plane Sectoral Horn * 07/16/96 E- and H-Plane Patterns of the H-Plane Sectoral Horn E-Plane H-Plane *
* 07/16/96 E and H-Plane Patterns E-Plane H-Plane ) *
E- and H-Plane Patterns of The Conical Horn Antenna * 07/16/96 E- and H-Plane Patterns of The Conical Horn Antenna E-Plane H-Plane *
Pyramidal Horn combination of the E-plane and H-plane horns and as such is flared in both directions
Other horn antenna types Multimode Horns Corrugated Horns Hog Horns Biconical Horns Dielectric Loaded Horns etc.
References A.W. LOVE “The Diagonal Horn Antennas” microwave J., Vol. V, pp. 117-122, Mar. 1962 Constantine A. Balanis, ‘Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design’ 2nd Ed., Wiley,1997 D.M Pozar, ‘Directivity of Omnidirectional Antennas’ 1993 R.E Collin, ‘Antennas and Radiowave Propagation’ McGraw- Hill , 1985* Samuel Silver, ‘Microwave Antenna Theory And Design’ McGraw- Hill , 1949