圖書館管理-HBR導讀 How Pixar Fosters Collective Creativity B95106053徐茂洪 B96106030曾琬淳 B95106023陳昇亨 B96106037薛弼心B95702038郭舒琳
Brief Introduction Peer Culture Operating Principles Management Challenges Discussion Time
Brief Introduction Peer Culture Operating Principles Management Challenges Discussion Time
Pixar George Lucas’ Lucas film company 蘋果電腦的創辦人賈伯斯在1986年時,斥資一千萬美元買下了星際大戰導演喬治盧卡斯影業的「影像特效」部門 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvCWPZfK8pI http://blog.roodo.com/blue1989/archives/1898855.html http://flybe.pixnet.net/blog/post/28934363
Pixar 命名為「皮克斯」(Pixar),是取「Pixel」(畫素)諧音而成的。 Pixel
Pixar 皮克斯剛成立時並不受外界看好,起初皮克斯致力於研發能將人體器官平面圖以立體方式呈現的技術,來協助醫師開刀時能更清晰的觀察病人的情況,但是並沒有受到醫療界的熱情迴響。反而迪士尼公司相中了其圖形設計的功能,成為當時皮克斯的最大客戶。
Pixar 後來皮克斯為了替自己的這套圖形設計系統打廣告,製作了【跳跳燈】動畫(Luxo Jr) ,各界眼睛為之一亮,讓大家看到了動畫的雛形,而這盞小台燈也成為皮克斯公司的標誌。此後,皮克斯開始專注於3D動畫技術的投入。
Films 1995 1998 1999 2003 2004
Films 2006 2007 2008 2009
Brief Introduction Peer Culture Operating Principles Management Challenges Discussion Time
Good people is rarer and more valuable than good ideas The Root of Pixar’s Culture Smart people are more important than good ideas.
In the case of Toy Story 2 Team A were working on ‘A bug’s Life’ Team B worked with a good initial idea, but… When Pixar were working on their second movie: A bug’s Life, they started to make a sequel to Toy Story. They had a good initial idea for a story, but the reels were not where they ought to have been. Finally :The A team take over the creative leadership of Toy Story 2.
In the case of Toy Story 2 If you give a good idea to a mediocre team, they’ll screw it up.
But if you give a mediocre idea to a great team, they’ll make it work. In the case of Toy Story 2 But if you give a mediocre idea to a great team, they’ll make it work.
In the case of Toy Story 2 Will Woody make a different choice ? Team A took over the creative leadership of Toy Story 2 Challenge was to get the audience to believe that Woody might make a different choice. Will Woody make a different choice ?
Peer Culture Peer Culture Magic! The Dailies Art Brain Trust The brain trust When a director and producer feel in need of assistance, they convene the group and show the current version of the work in progress. The dailies Working together as peer is core to Pixar’s culture, and it’s not limited to directors and producers. Technology + Art = Magic Pixar believe in a swirling interplay between art and technology and constantly try to use better technology at every stage of production. Magic! The Dailies Peer Culture Art Technology
Peer Culture Communication in bathroom Creation source Accumulate 皮克斯員工交流-增加洗手間見面機會 創意的來源-細節的累積 Accumulate Detail
Brief Introduction Peer Culture Operating Principles Management Challenges Discussion Time
Pixar’s Operating Principles Communicate Safe to offer ideas Close to academic community. Everyone must have the freedom to communicate with anyone. --The difference between decision making hierarchy and communication structure. --To Trust people to work out the difficulties with each other without having to check for permission. It must be safe for everyone to offer ideas. --To ensure that there’s always fresh eyes. We must stay close to innovations happening in the academic community. --People are more important than ideas. --“Pixar University”. Pixar University
Brief Introduction Peer Culture Operating Principles Management Challenges Discussion Time
Management Challenges To solve these problems: When your company is successful, it’s difficult to : Communication Systematically Fight Complacency When your company is successful, it’s difficult to : Systematically Fight Complacency Uncovering Problems 2.To solve the problems, we need: Clear values constant communication, routine postmortems, competitors, and a strong leadership!! Strong Leadership Routine Postmortems Competitors Uncovering Problems
computer-animated film Goals Making the first computer-animated film Create Magic
Brief Introduction Peer Culture Operating Principles Management Challenges Discussion Time
Discussion Time