Czech Republic
2 Our Objectives Generation gap between Majority 50+ and Minority 18- Application Form Conference for the age of 50+ Conference for the age of 18- Intergeneration and intercultural festival (Roma day) Dance performance
Work done so far Objectives of the project were slightly changed – In the beginning of the project we expected 4 different outputs (conference 50+ and 18-, Roma festival and Dance performance) – In the middle of the project we‘ve changed our purpose a little bit and decided to organize an exhibition (from 5th till 16th November 2012) This exhibition will include 3 different outputs in one unit (not separately) – Documentary film Reason ( Roma have changed in the sense of faith in God in the Slovak Republic. Besed of this tremendous changes in their lives, we want to show the majority in our country, that Roma are doing wonderful things and develop discussion afterwards) Impact ( 50+ and 18- possibility to see such a topic regarding generation gap in Czech Television channel)
Description of the exhibition Photos from excluded areas (Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Czech) Trade product from excluded areas Two different support programs – First created by 50+ (Majority) Discussion about education Holy father – generation gap between majority a minority Testimonies of people 50+ Accompanied by music – Second created by 18- (Minority) Theater ( generation gap) Testimonies of the youth 18- Dancing performance Holy father - topic: why it is important to live with the God in youth‘s lives The exhibition will run from November 5th to November 16th (14 day) Opening hour ( 10am to 18am) – every day Largest exhibition of its kind in the Czech Republic 4
Basic information about the documentary film (DF) Start of DF (middle of August 2012) – Film Scenario, Directing film Film Scenario of the documentary film – Main idea of the DM ( changes of Roma‘s based on the acceptance of God) – no inclusion, culture and life in excluded areas – Countries, where DF will be shot (Czech and Slovak Republic) Time schedule Slovakia ( first third (1/3) of the DM) Czech Republic ( second third (2/3)of the DM) The exhibition (third period (3/3) of the DM) What the document will focus -Change based on acceptance of God -Generation gap -Exchange the experience -Inspiration -Compared the best practice (Roma association)
Promotion so far (PR) Publication of the results from the first questionnaire – magazines, web sites, newspapers, local media of Ostrava 1 seminar for local NGO ( Topic: generation gaps) 1 seminar for local authorities (why it is important to be involved in EU project, especially in the area of generation issues) Interview in local media ( TV NOE) about the project