The VHE gamma-ray sky viewed with H.E.S.S. Werner Hofmann MPI für Kernphysik Heidelberg © Philippe Plailly HESS = High Energy Stereoscopic System
H.E.S.S Imaging - induced air showers Threshold ~ 100 GeV Sensitivity ~ 1% Crab in 25 h © Philippe Plailly
Gamma- ray ~ 10 km Particle shower Detection of TeV gamma rays using Cherenkov telescopes ~ 1 o Cherenkov light ~ 120 m Key issue: huge detection area ~ 10 5 m 2
(from Sky & Telescope) M Air showers look a bit like meteors
5 decades in frequency missing! Thermal Emission
o ± ± p + nucleus +X Cosmic particle accelerators imaged using (secondary) gamma rays Origin of Cosmic Rays ?
Supernova remnants Pulsar wind nebulae Binaries “Dark sources” Galactic center & DM (?) A tour of galactic particle accelerators:
Supernova remnants Pulsar wind nebulae Binaries “Dark sources” Galactic center & DM (?)
alias Vela Junior Supernova remnant shells
RXJ Particle acceleration to beyond 100 TeV Index ~ 2.0 Cutoff or break at ~20 TeV Index constant across SNR E -2
Man-made accelerators No. of particles Energy How could cosmic accelerators work?
Man-made accelerators No. of particles Energy Nature’s accelerators No. of particles Energy Enrico Fermi How could cosmic accelerators work?
Energy gain / cycle E/E ~ shock... many 100 cycles to reach TeV energies …... takes several 100 years Generates power law spectrum dN/dE ~ E -(2+ ) … at some point, particle falls behind shock … Peak energy ~10 15 eV … depending on size of shock front … typical E p 10 E Nonlinear process with efficiency ~50%! … accelerated particles generate plasma waves … Nature’s accelerators How could cosmic accelerators work? No. of particles Energy
Puzzling: X-ray – -ray correlation Suzaku: Y. Uchiyama, T. Takahashi Texas Symp HESS gamma rays Suzaku X-rays Contour lines: ASCA X-rays Y. Uchiyama et al H.E.S.S.
The Vela region Vela (Rosat) Vela Junior d ≈200 pc age ≈ 700 y
Gamma ray sources & their physics A tour of galactic particle accelerators: Supernova remnants Pulsar wind nebulae Binaries “Dark sources” Galactic center & DM (?) Cosmology with gamma rays
Gamma ray sources & their physics A tour of galactic particle accelerators: Supernova remnants Pulsar wind nebulae Binaries “Dark sources” Galactic center & DM (?) Cosmology with gamma rays G in X-rays Chandra / H.Matheson & S.Safi-Harb Supernova shell PWN
Vela-X ROSAT contours Chandra Peak energy output at ~10 TeV
Pulsar wind nebulae -ray sources are extended O(10 pc) displaced from pulsar
Morphology of gamma-ray sources: HESS J > 2.5 TeV 1 – 1.5 TeV < 1 TeV > 2.5 TeV 1 – 2.5 TeV < 1 TeV > 2.5 TeV 1 – 2.5 TeV < 1 TeV
Gamma ray sources & their physics A tour of galactic particle accelerators: Supernova remnants Pulsar wind nebulae Binaries “Dark sources” Galactic center & DM (?) Cosmology with gamma rays
Gamma ray sources & their physics Microquasar LS (?) M object in eccentric day orbit around M star closest approach ~10 12 cm or ~2 stellar radii Gamma-ray period: 3.908±0.002 days
Spectral variation unique chance to “experiment” with a cosmic source by varying conditions Modulation due to absorption by e + e -
Gamma ray sources & their physics A tour of galactic particle accelerators: Supernova remnants Pulsar wind nebulae Binaries “Dark sources” Galactic center & DM (?) Cosmology with gamma rays
“Dark” sources: Objects which only shine in gamma rays ! … without plausible counterparts in X-rays, radio, …
Not all remain dark: HESS J promoted from unidentified source to SNR / PWN White et al Brogan et al cm VLA Ubertini et al., 2005 Integral HESS J Radio Supernova shell D.J. Helfand et al., astro-ph/ C.L. Brogan et al., astro-ph/ TeV size S. Funk et al., astro-ph/ XMM
HESS sensitivity Explanations … Old supernova remnants (Yamazaki et al., astro- ph/ ) Old PWN GBR remnants (Atoyan et al., astro-ph/ ) Basic idea: electrons are gone in old objects Stellar winds / OB assoc. DM halo objects
A tour of galactic particle accelerators: Supernova remnants Pulsar wind nebulae Binaries “Dark sources” Galactic center & DM (?) Cosmology with gamma rays
Rainer Schödel
The center of our Galaxy Galactic plane Sgr A East SNR (radio) Sgr A* HESS error circle H.E.S.S.
The center of our Galaxy Galactic plane H.E.S.S.
Point sources subtracted The center of our Galaxy Galactic plane H.E.S.S. p “Diffuse” -rays tracing molecular clouds
Origin of the GC gamma rays ? Top-down: Annihilation of dark matter particles qq, gg Generates characteristic density profile: sharp spike with long tail and characteristic energy spectrum ~ quark fragmentation + some decays
Is it DM? Angular distribution PRL, in press H.E.S.S. PSF NFW Dark Matter
Is it DM? Angular distribution PRL, in press Diffuse emission subtracted H.E.S.S. PSF
Is it DM? Spectrum Preliminary 20 TeV Neutralino 20 TeV KK particle proposed before H.E.S.S. data proposed after early H.E.S.S. data
Extragalactic TeV astronomy Physics of AGN jets Cosmology: Density of cosmological extragalactic background light (EBL) Quantum gravity & exotics
1 minute bins 15 x Crab flux PKS MJD Variability time scale ~ 3 min R s /c ~ 150…300 min (1…2 x 10 9 M )
Fast variability … and quantum gravity
© Lynette Cook