Final Film Project You are creative team working for Marchienne Motion Pictures. You will be pitching an idea for a film. You will need to pick a particular genre. You may create a pre-quel or sequel. You may update a film. Your group is responsible for: costume/set design; plot; storyboard a critical “epic” scene; casting. One project will be “greenlighted”.
Film Final Project - Details Storyboard: - Images - Lighting - Sound - Shot - Cut - F/X* Set/costume design: - Interior - Exterior - Range of costuming Casting: - Principle roles (4+) - Justification (like the bellwork) Plot: - Synopsis of period - Your film’s focus - Should incorporate best practices of the genre.
Film Project - Details Mode of delivery: powerpoint, old school posterboard, anything else unique Grading: 1.Presentation (effort, oral and visual components) = 75 2.Ideas (on topic, complete, accurate) = 50 3.Conventions (mechanics – you spell places, people wrong…you lose them all) = 50 Yes, that is 175 summative points.