Globalization AP Human Geography
What is globalization? Globalization refers to the process by which something involves the entire world and becomes global in scope. Opposite of global is local. Ex. Mc D’s used to sell their food only to people a small area…now it is available across the globe. Ex. American cars used to be made in America….how the parts are made across the globe and assembled in America.
Economic Globalization The integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, migration, and the spread of technology. Primarily responsible for economic globalization are transnational corporations. – An American owned company has headquarters in 3 different cities (NY, London, Tokyo). Raw materials are from Africa, products are assembled in Asia, and sold to people in Europe.
Cultural Globalization The spread of cultural elements from the local to global level. – Ex. English language, television shows, products Many things that are part of American culture are also a part of a global culture as well. Foreign cultures are becoming less foreign as globalization spreads….PEOPLE ARE BECOMING LESS DIFFERENT AND MORE SIMILAR!
Examples of Globalization Japanese cars are more popular in America than American cars. 60 years ago no one in America owned non-American cars. Our clothing is made in a variety of places, including Indonesia, Vietnam, China, and Mexico. We grow more corn and wheat than we can consume because we ship it to others who cannot grow their own food.
Pros of Globalization A greater variety of ideas and goods are available at the global level. Corporations can sell more products and increase profit. Goods can be produced more cheaply. Benefits developed countries such as the U.S., Japan, Western Europe. Promotes the spread of capitalism
Cons of Globalization Wealthy countries grow wealthier while poor countries do not develop. The poor may be exploited at the expense of the wealthy. Degradation of natural resources/ environment Jobs may move from wealthier countries to poorer countries. Old and new cultures may come into conflict with one another. May lead to the extinction of native cultures