Energy Notes Foldables/notes
Major Sources of Energy (triangle foldable) *Sun: MAJOR source of energy for life on EARTH Light and heat energy Warms earth *Geothermal: Energy within Earth Produces heat Can be used for human energy needs *Nuclear: Particles inside atoms have stored energy Energy can be released during radioactive decay, fusion, fisson.
Conservation of Energy (conservation of energy foldable) The Law: Energy cannot be created or destroyed What it means? Energy CAN NOT be made or destroyed Energy can be Transferred or transformed Example: Energy released by food molecules during digestion converted to other forms of chemical energy, heat, and mechanical energy.
Energy Transformation: (foldable) Energy Transformation: (foldable) *the sun is major source for ALL living things Label the following info above each picture on the foldable. Above Write: Sun image: Light Energy Tree/Dinosaur image Chemical Energy Fossil Fuel gas pump Chemical energy Automobile (truck) Electrical energy Music /bulb/speedometer Sound/Light/Mechanical/Heat energy (from radio, heater, headlights,engine)
Forms of Energy Foldable: Thermal Energy: Energy associated with temperature Hot objects have greater energy than colder objects
Radiant Energy by electromagnetic radiation Not just visible light Light Energy Radiant Energy by electromagnetic radiation Not just visible light EM radiation caddied by radio, infrared, UV waves
Electrical Energy Electricity: Energy carried by charged particles Current: Charged particles that build up and move
Energy due to motion or position 2 kinds= Potential and Kinetic Mechanical Energy Energy due to motion or position 2 kinds= Potential and Kinetic
Energy associated with NOISE Carried by sound waves Sound Energy Energy associated with NOISE Carried by sound waves
(the nucleus specifically) Nuclear Energy Energy stored in atoms (the nucleus specifically)
Energy stored in chemical bonds between atoms of a substance Chemical Energy Energy stored in chemical bonds between atoms of a substance
Energy produced by solar, wind, geothermal Green Energy Energy produced by solar, wind, geothermal From natural sources that are renewable.
Insert these two terms UNDER your foldable Primary Energy Source: Can be used directly as appear in natural environment Ex:coal, oil, natural gas, wood, sun, wind Secondary Source of Energy: From transformation of energy Ex: petrol, electric, nuclear