By: Alyssa McKendrick
Running out of Fossil Fuels Environment Cheaper Costs Click the stars to access articles about alternative fuels How to cut your energy bill in half! Click the star below to access rationale
Fossil Fuels are the main source of how we get our energy and oil! *Click the picture to access the article
By using alternative energy sources we are able to have a clean and more eco-friendly place to live! *Click the picture to access the article
With alternative energy sources, energy to power your home will become less pricey for everyone! *Click the picture to access the article
Solar, Wind, and Geothermal Click the star to access rationale in school
Solar Panels Roof, allows panel’s to absorb sunlight Wind Turbines Field behind school/in front, either locations allow wind to move turbines Geothermal Back of school, underground, not visible no risk of damage to pipes Click the star to access the energy sources
Click the star to access floor plans
Solar Panels will be placed on the roof. The panels use the sun’s energy to generate heat. They absorb the sunlight, and it is converted to energy. Uses: Electricity, and Heating
Wind blows, and turns the turbines. The turbines then are able to produce electricity, by using a magnetic process, which will transfer to the school. Uses: Electricity
Comes from underground, steam is captured and then transferred into energy for the school’s use. Uses: Electricity, Heating
Click the star to access the recycling plan
Colored bins Blue for paper Green for plastic White for Glass Every other day pickup Recyclables picked up every other day Click the star to access the conclusion
Uses of Alternative energy Solar, Wind, Geothermal Conserve fossil fuels Cut costs Eco-Friendly Benefit students Click the star to access the bibliography
production-levels-ipcc-oil-supplies?_s=PM:WORLD an_energy_cost_1.html rgy_technologies/how-geothermal-energy-works.html