Asia Pacific Joint Secretariat, Ltd. 29 August 2002 Shanghai, CHINA Byung-Kyu Kim
Incorporation Urgent Need - Legal status of ccTLD Secretariat - Need a bank account for ccTLD Secretariat Use a Law-firm in Seoul - Legally incorporated in British Virgin Island on 31 May 2002 ( a branch in Seoul) - Signed by BK and Pensri - Still need more documents for a bank account in British Virgin Island - Cost will be about $10,000
Goals and Objectives Goal: Promotion of efficient secretariat administration of the Internet Organizations in Asia-Pacific through resource sharing and support Objectives: - Information sharing - Sharing of other resources - Support for new organizations - Coordination of secretariat activities - Administration of AP* Retreat
Current Activities Bangkok Office - AP* Retreat (Events & Secretariat) - homepage (Calendar and other information) - Administration of Asia-Pacific Joint Sec Membership - mirror site of ( - co-Executive Director: Pensri Arunwatanamongkol Seoul Office - ccTLD Secretariat - AP Outreach - mirror site of ( - co-Executive Director: BK Kim We may consider more office(e.g. APNG..etc) later.
Scope of Services Research and strategic overview IP numbers Domain Names Policy legal Trade and industry Training and education in operations Advanced networks and advanced networking technologies User membership Specific areas: Bio-infomatics etc.
Membership Members: - voting organizational members: Internet organizations recognized by AP* from any of the countries and economies primarily from Asia-Pacific region. - non-voting organizational members - non-voting individual members All members may participate to the Asia Pacific Joint Secretariat Board.
Structure Organization Members (tentative) APNG, APAN, APNIC, APTLD, APIA, INFITT, APBioNet, APDIP Board Members (Interim) Toru Takahashi(IAJapan), Paul Wilson(APNIC), Xing Li(APNG), YJ Park(APAN), Hirofumi Hotta(JPRS), Subramaniam D(INFITT) Executive Directors: BK Kim and Pensri Staffs: Abhisak Chulya (ccTLD sec), SY Yoo (ccTLD sec), and Faraah (AP* Retreat sec)
Current figure of the Structure Members Boards | Executive Director(s) (Provide Legal Status for Staffs, if needed) ccTLD Sec Exec Director Deputy Exec Dir Admin Staff ($100K-$120K)/year AP Outreach Sec Admin Staff ($10K-$20K)/year AP* Retreat Sec Exec Director Admin Staff ($20K-$40K)/year
Funding Model Urgent Needed - Need a permanent(stable) staff or a coordinator with good English and technical skills, and he/she should work for AP Joint Sec. (He/she could work for partly AP Outreach, ccTLD sec, or AP* Retreat sec) - A permanent staff salary: $20,000/year - Incorporation Fee: about $10,000 Funding Model for FY2002: Contribution Funding Model for FY2003: Membership Fee
Schedules (moving slowly) Sep-Oct 2002: - Incorporation process will be finished - Bylaws, Membership - Collecting Membership Fee - APNG Secretariat will join (?) - Bidding APRICOT Secretariat (?) Nov-Dec 2002: - voting for new Boards Feb 2003 (during APRICOT2003): - AP Joint Sec Member/Board Meeting
Activities (ccTLD Secretariat) FY2001(May 2001 – May 2002) - 4 ccTLD Meetings Stockholm: Jun 2001, Montevideo: Sep 2001 Marina del Rey: Nov 2001, Accra: Mar Monthly AdCom teleconf - Incomes: $60,872 by 33 ccTLDs, $54,037 by sponsors, $9,840 in donation, etc. (TOTAL INCOMES: $125,546) - Expenses: $39,056 for staff salary, $53,237 for meeting expenses, etc. (TOTAL EXPENSES: $100,730) FY2002(May 2002 – May 2003) - Bucharest: Jun Shanghai: Oct 2002 (3 days meeting + 2 days Workshop) - Monthly AdCom teleconf (AdCom+ERC Joint teleconf)
Activities (AP Outreach) FY2002(Jan 2002 – Dec 2002) March 2002, APRICOT in Bangkok, Thailand (1) Asia Pacific Outreach BoF (jointly with AP at Large) (2) Asia Pacific Outreach BoF (jointly with APTLD) - the first ccTLD Name Server Training April 2002, Mumbai, Bangalore, India (1) AP Outreach seminar with APNIC in Mumbai,India (2) AP Outreach seminar with APNIC in Bangalore,India September 2002, Vietnam with APNIC and ccTLD September 2002, Bangladesh with ccTLD October 2002, Shanghai – ccTLD Name Server Workshop Income for FY2002: $10,000 from APNIC