IT in the Swedish public sector Britta Johansson
E-situation in Sweden All governmet bodies have web sites. The vast majority have . 80% of the population have access to the Internet - from home, school or work. ”Home PC tax regulations” allow employers to let their staff rent PC:s and pay by a reduction of the gross income, thus avoiding taxation 50% of the population have a mobile phone Internet Service Providers with national coverage
Political issues High speed access to the Internet for everyone in the nation - vast investments are required. A hot debate about what government investment or commercial interest. 24-hour electronic services from government Security and privacy issues - Use Public Key Infrastructure for identification
Central Government Administration in the Citizens’ Service" (Government Bill 1997/98:136)
Use of information technology The Government considers that the central government administration, taking integrity and security aspects into account, should make use of the scope afforded by IT to: – simplify and improve the agencies’ contacts with the public and companies, – increase public supervision and control of the agencies’ activities, – enhance the effectiveness of collaboration between agencies, with the rest of the public sector, with EU institutions and with administrations in other countries.
IT infrastructure In the Government’s estimation, the technical infrastructure for the central government administration’s communication with the public and companies should be based on the Internet. Within the framework of the Internet, the agencies should develop services that simplify contacts with and the interaction between citizens, companies and public administration.
Moreover, central government agencies should use reliable means of transmitting documents and communications in open IT infrastructure. Information exchange between agencies necessitates joint security regulations and standardised solutions. Agencies whose activities are oriented primarily towards companies and the public should offer electronic services for self-service to supplement their traditional services.
Applications in the public sector Labour market board has a big programme based on Internet services Employer’s do-it-yourself: The virtual recruitment assistent, helps the employer sort among a vast number of applicants Jobseeker’s do-it-yourself: Post CV in jobseeker’s bank. Search in the vacancy bank. Make contact Jobseeker’s can use employment office PC:s with self service
New pension system Part of the national pension system will allow part of the pension savings to be invested in funds by the individual’s own choice Change of funds can be made on-line
Security and privacy Electronic identification is of great importance PKI technology Electronic ID-cards - the standards are there, few applications.
SHS Portal SHS SHS SHS Internet Adaption Server Adaption Server Adaption Server Adaption Server Adaption Server Adaption Server Adaption Server Adaption Server Business System Business System Business System Business System Business System Business System User Citizen Company User CA Directory CA Directory SHS Directory SHS Internet Information Bus
Internet MBS Tax Board Applications VAT application Company tax Internet MBS Tax Board Applications VAT application Company tax Employee tax Internet MBS Tax Board Applications VAT application Company tax Internet MBS VAT application Company tax Employee tax Government IT-production Internet SMS Tax Board Applications VAT application Company tax Employee tax Citizens Companies Government Agencies Government Customers
Transfer protected by encryption Authentication X.509-certificate, supported by card or software Signing of documents End-to-end encryption Audit trail by logging Certifikation authority Digital signature (CA) Certificat policy Name, civic number Valid thru.. Public key Private key Certificat e SMS - Security
LabelData Format: XML Versionsinfo From: To: Product: Transaktionsid History log: Format: S/MIME S/MIME-header Document information Certificate To: RSV Product: Income statement Income Statement Appendix: K10 Appendix: Personal matters Label Data
Swedish government CA TeliaPosten Govm’nt Government CA CA:s issuing electronic id-card Industry Contract with government CA Statens certifikat New certifikat för government services On-line identification with id-card