Chapter 18
Opening Prayer
Preview Activity Think of a group you belong to…. What would happen if each individual member of that group decided to do only what he or she wanted instead of acting in ways that served the group’s common goals? How is the group strengthened when each of its members puts the group’s mission and purpose ahead of his or her own wants? List qualities that members of a group or community must exhibit for the community to be healthy and succeed.
Introduction Church = “convocation” Convoke = “call together” A convocation is a community of people who gather in response to a call. The Church is an assembly of people who come together in response to God’s call. The goal of God’s plan is for all people to come together in unity w/ one another & w/ God.
Images of Church Peter & Pual uses images of the Church to help us understand that unity in the Church is rooted in the unity of the Father, Son, and HS.
People of God People of God: an image of the Church from the Bible. the chosen ones through whom God would save the world. The first Christians were Jews. “of God” signifies that people do not belong to any one nationality, race or region, but to God. People become members through baptism & faith in JC.
The Body of Christ The Church is the whole body, the members united to the head, JC. Our salvation comes through the Church b/c salvation comes 1 st through Christ. The Body of Christ we receive in the Eucharist reminds us that we are the Body of Christ.
Activity – 18B WE ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST Why is “the Body of Christ” a fitting name for the Church? What does the imagery of the Church as the Body of Christ express? Read 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 to hear Saint Paul’s message to the early Christians about he variety of spiritual gifts. Every member of the Church has different gifts to contribute. What special talents or gifts has God given you? How can you use your gifts to contribute to building up the Church in your local parish?
Bride of Christ – Christ’s relationship w/ the Church is compared w/ the relationship b/t husbands & wives.
Temple of the Holy Spirit God dwells in us, in the Church. The HS is the center or soul of the Church’s life, the source of unity and of the Church’s gifts.
Think About It! – p196
Did You Know? – p197 The Church Is a Sacrament Sacraments are encounters w/ JC that help us see that God is w/ us. JC is the first sacrament. The Church is also a sacrament make visible the communion we share w/ the Trinity. – “sacrament of salvation” we come to God & be saved
Did You Know? – p198 The Church Is Human and Divine The Church is visible & spiritual. The Church is made up of 2 components: – 1/ human The people, buildings, the Pope, bishops, priests… – 2/ divine A mystery we see only w/ the eyes of faith Our participation in the divine life of the Trinity.
Pray It! Liturgy Connection - p199 All baptized believers share in the Church’s mission to “go, and make disicples of all nations.”
Fun Fact 3,000,000 catechists in the world.
The Marks of the Church The four essential features or characteristics of the Church: one, holy, catholic (universal), and apostolic The Catholic Church is – The fullness of Jesus Christ’s Church – Led by the Pope & the bishops in communion w/ him, – The only Church w/ the fullness of the 4 marks
One The Church is ONE, – one Lord – One faith – One Baptism – One Body – One Spirit The Holy Trinity is the foundation of the Church since it expresses the unity (communion) of the Trinity.
Holy The Church is HOLY. The Church is blessed w/ the presence & love of God. The HS is always guiding the Church.
Catholic The Church is CATHOLIC. catholic: “universal”; The Church reaches throughout the world to all people. The Church proclaims the fullness of faith (everything we need to be saved). – God’s complete Revelation – The 7 Sacraments – Ministry of ordained men Universal b/c she spread the Word of God to all people, everywhere.
Apostolic The Church is APOSTOLIC. apostolic: founded on Jesus’ Twelve Apostles The Apostles are present today through their successors, the Pope and the College of Bishops. Apostolic succession the laying on of hands in the Sacrament of Holy Orders to the bishop from generation to generation.
People of Faith Saint Josephine Bakhita Born in Sudan, Africa Age 9 kidnapped, sold into salvery She responded to God’s call to serve him by joining the community of sisters. Feastday: May 17