Jesus Reveals his Relationship to the Father and Son as seen in Jesus’ Baptism (Mark 1:9- 12). 1)What three things take place as Jesus comes up from the water? 2) What happens to Jesus here, and what do we learn from this story about who Jesus is? 3) How do you see the Trinity at work in this story? What role does each Person play?
1. The Church is Trinitarian Holy Trinity is the greatest mystery of the Church. Notice how difficult it is to explain in words…. The three person are all equal but different. The Trinity affects everything we do as Catholics- how we pray, how we practice our faith, what we believe!
Author C.S. Lewis on the Trinity: The relationship between the three persons is so close that they “indwell” on one another, and all share in the distinct work of each. Their mutual indwelling activity has been traditionally described as a kind of “Dance.” The key to understanding the Trinity is to recognize that it is not just a math problem (how can three be one?), the Trinity is a relationship.
2. The Church is Christ-Centered Christ revealed the Trinity. Christ is the head of the Church. Christ’s death and Resurrection are central to what we believe!
3. The Church is a Community Mass is an opportunity for us to worship as a community/family. Provides the teachings that lead to happiness Has 3 parts: living Catholics, saints in Heaven, and souls in Purgatory
4. The Church is Sacramental Christ gave us the sacraments Sacraments invite us into a relationship with Jesus Sacramentals (holy water, crucifix, and Advent wreath) are an important part of how we worship
5. The Church is Eucharistic Eucharist means “thanksgiving.” Christ is completely present in the Eucharist Central part of our gathering as a Church community
6. The Church is Biblically-Based Catholics believe Sacred Scripture is the Word of God. Old & New Testament show us God’s plan! Bible can be the ultimate source for our spiritual growth.
7. The Church is One Four Marks: One Holy Catholic Apostolic
8. The Church is Holy Think of the Church as Christ’s bride… Church becomes holy by the grace of her members. Unites all Christians.
9. The Church is catholic (universal) Christ is completely present in the Church. Accepts everyone. The Mass and Church blessings are the same everywhere!
10. The Church is Apostolic Peter and the Apostles carry on Christ’s mission. Popes and bishops carry on Apostles’ work. Priests and nuns carry on missions in our parishes/ (What is a lay person?...)
11. The Church Advocates Justice for All Every life has value and dignity. The Church shows care for all of God’s creation. We should all be united in the cause of social justice!
12. The Church has a positive view of creation, the world, and human nature. We are flawed because of Original Sin. We can still recognize beauty in the world! Belief in God requires both faith and reason….How so?