PENSION SYSTEM REFORM IN LATVIA Cala Sophia Espinho Claire Kempka Céline Mazingarbe Ana Gonçalves Valérie Racot Matti Ratilainen Eveliina KiusijärviAnja Mikkola Sergi Munoz-ArroyoInese Mavlutova Maija Zieds-ZiedinaStanislava Titova
Introduction The pension system in Latvia has some dificulties The Minister for Social Welfare want to increase the current retirement age of 62 to 65 in a few years
Latvia’s problems Unemployment Black economy GDP Taxation problem Improve level 2, 3 Birth/Death rate Migration Life expectancy
Alternatives for pension system’s improvement
Unemployment To increase the branches of industry To make trainings throughout the life of company’s To welcome self employed person To give the possibilities to young people early to start and to continue to work Suggest to the young people working in contract apprenticeship
Black economy The black economy today represents about 40% of the Latvian economy A solution could be to divide the taxation in more products. It would be interesting to control the border with Russia because the principal product of the black market comes from there.
Sentences for the employer in case of concealed work Inspectors of URSSAF: civil action A recovery of the contribution and application of penalties for payment delay If the preliminary declaration of employment isn’t respected, a penalty is given.
Sentences for the employee who is working illegally No social protection when he has an accident Possible that employee doesn’t receive his salary Financial sentences: a fine More sentences are attributed in every personal case
Birth Rate Solutions to increase the Birth rate in Latvia Family Allowance individuals who have to support effective and permanent at least two children under 20 years. paid only from the second child and have a surcharge when the child is older than 14 years Family card Issued from the SNCF, according big reduction in many structures
Migration Recovery of the situation could be done by providing workplaces to citizens here, for example to giving support for young businesses. That could give jobs not only for the Latvians but also attract immigrants to the country. Most important issue is that government has to establish policy for migration.
Life Expectancy and Quality of Life The low life expectancy and quality of life is one of the problems that currently exist in Latvia. Nowadays people from Latvia are showing serious difficulties in acquiring and maintaining good habits of life so as not to have so many problems at the level of health.
Life Expectancy and Quality of Life Latvian people seem to show serious problems in relation to: drinking habits, smoking habits unhealthy diet lack of physical exercise = sedentary life All of this problems will contribute to the development of health problems that will cause the populace to spend money and resources on medical care, medication and treatments Witch could have been avoided if there had been disease prevention and health promotion throughout the life in this population.
Life Expectancy and Quality of Life It is absolutely necessary to intervene in each of these problems, so that the people of Latvia will increase not only their life expectancy but also their quality of life. it is necessary to start educating the population to acquire a healthy lifestyle since his childhood.
Life Expectancy and Quality of Life Possibilities to improvement Life expectancy and quality of life: Invest more in training of health care professionals of Latvia in order to increase its capacity for action on children and remaining population. Go to schools and intervene with children in order to improve their knowledge and behavior about oral health, a balanced diet and the need to exercise in their spare time inform the adult and elderly population about the need to take a more active lifestyle in order to combat sedentary lifestyles. Warning adult and elderly population about the various diseases that might appear due to unhealthy habits. Have programs like screening units for Cholesterol, Diabetes and breast cancer, for example, because these diseases exist in a large scale.
Pension System Two pension schemes: earnings-related pension and basic pension. pension index The basic pension is financed by tax revenue The lifetime coefficient a mechanism that controls the amount of the old-age pension When the lifetime expectancy increases the lifetime coefficient reduces the monthly pension.
Earnings-Related Pension Earnings-related pension payment for the employer 23,3 % of the gross salary The employee’s share of the payment 5,15 % of salary 6,5 % of salary for the employee’s over 53 years old The percentage of accruing depending on age: 18–52 years old: 1,5% 53–62 years old: 1,9% 63–67 years old: 4,5%.
Family Pension Family pension ordered by law widow pension and child pension Pension’s amount depends on how much earnings- related pension the deceased person has collected
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