Shock Circulatory system failure Pump (heart) failure Fluid loss Pipe failure (blood vessels) Results from serious injury or illness
Recognizing Shock Altered mental status Pale, cold, and clammy skin Nausea and vomiting Rapid breathing Unresponsive in late stages
Care for Shock Position victim on his or her back. Keep warm. Call 9-1-1.
Anaphylaxis Type of shock Powerful reaction to substances that enter the body Causes Medications Foods Insect stings Plants
Recognizing Anaphylaxis Breathing difficulty Skin reaction Swelling of tongue, mouth, or throat Sneezing, coughing Tightness in chest Blueness around lips and mouth Dizziness Nausea and vomiting
Care for Anaphylaxis Call 9-1-1. If victim has his or her own EpiPen auto-injector, help with its use.
Using an EpiPen Auto Injector Remove safety cap. Hold leg still. Push firmly and hold for 10 seconds.