activates adrenal medulla Adrenal medulla releases adrenaline and noradrenaline into the bloodstream
Adrenalin (epinephrine) Dilating of bronchioles Heart rate and blood pressure increase Specific types of muscle cells contract below the surface of the skin, causing beads of perspiration and raised hairs at the surface
Noradrenalin (norepinephrine) Effects: Increased blood pressure Dilation of pupils Narrowing of blood vessels in non-essential organs.
Examples of Triggering Situations -Burglar at your door -Confronted by a bear -Saving someone’s life Many people come to enjoy the surge of energy that comes with a rush of adrenaline and actively search out activities that will stimulate this stress response -Participating in extreme sports (surfing, snow boarding) -Skydiving -Video games (first person shooter)
EpiPen Used for the emergency treatment of severe allergic reactions Ephedrine is a protein extracted from a Chinese plant that acts similar to epinephrine and acts on the same receptors. Ephedra equisetina is a desert shrub from which ephedrine is extracted. It contains ephedrine and pseudoephedrine.
Effects After using an EpiPen, it begins to work immediately to reverse the effects of anaphylactic shock. Relieves airway obstruction Increased force of cardiac contractions and heart rate Brings down hives and swelling