First Aid:Burns
Burns are injuries caused by Heat Chemicals Electricity Radiation Fire
Critical Burns –Need medical help Breathing difficulty More than one body part More than 15% adult, 10 % child To child or elderly All 3 rd degree burns
Critical Burns Resulting from chemicals, explosions, electricity
Burns (Page 489) Superficial Burn (1 st degree) top layer of skin Partial-thickness (2 nd degree) Top layers of skin (red with blisters) Full-thickness(3 rd degree) destroys all layers and underlying tissues
Dos of Burn Care Remove source of heat Cool by flushing with water Cover with dry clean covering Relieve pain Observe/treat for shock Prevent Infection
Don’ts of Burn Care Apply ice unless very minor Touch with anything except clean covering Remove pieces of cloth that stick Break blisters Use ointment on severe burn
Other info on Burns Flush a chemical burn with large amounts of cool running water. Eyes burned by chemicals or gases-flush with water for minutes and obtain medical help Dehydration makes shock a risk
First Aid Flyswatter Review Bad allergic reactionMild allergic reaction Look for signs of shockApply direct pressure Heart AttackApply ice for 20 minutes Run under cold waterCheck the scene for safety Check for responsivenessLook, listen, feel Epi penAbdominal thrusts StrokeChest thrusts Call 911Lie flat and elevate feet Don’t remove objectCover with blanket and elevate feet Have victim lean forwardHead or Spine injury Clean with soap and waterHeat Exhaustion Heat StrokeHypothermia