2 Click a subsection to advance to that particular section. Advance through the slide show using your mouse or the space bar. World War I (1914–1919) The Road to War Supporting the War Effort Americans at War Shaping the Peace Chapter 21: World War I (1914–1919)
The Road to War Sec 1: The Road to War Origins of World War I Main Idea: Imperialism, nationalism, and a complex alliance system helped spark war in Europe. The Deadliest War Main Idea: Advanced technology contributed to a long, deadly stalemate in Europe. American Neutrality Main Idea: At first, the United States tried to stay out of the war in Europe. Entering the War Main Idea: German submarine attacks were a major factor that led the United States to enter the war on the Allied side. History Interactive: Explore Trench Warfare Color Transparencies: Trench Warfare Progress Monitoring Transparency
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Supporting the War Effort Sec 2: Supporting the War Effort Building the Military Main Idea: After entering World War I, the United States quickly had to increase its military force. Managing the War Effort Main Idea: In order to produce needed materials, the government took greater control over the economy. Shaping Public Opinion Main Idea: The government took strong action to win support for the war and to suppress dissent. Progress Monitoring Transparency
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Americans at War Sec 3: Americans at War Joining the Fight Main Idea: After the United States declared war, it took time before American troops were ready for combat. Setbacks and Advances Main Idea: The arrival of American troops eventually turned the war in favor of the Allies. The Armistice Main Idea: After more than four years of fighting, the war finally ended in November MapMaster: The Western Front Color Transparencies: The Western Front Progress Monitoring Transparency
The Western Front Transparency: The Western Front TRANSPARENCY
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Shaping the Peace Sec 4: Shaping the Peace The Fourteen Points Main Idea: Woodrow Wilson proposed a peace plan that he hoped would prevent future wars. Peace Conference in Paris Main Idea: Despite Wilson's efforts, the Allies created a peace treaty that treated Germany harshly. Battle Over the League Main Idea: Wilson's plan for a League of Nations met sharp opposition in the Senate. Postwar Troubles Main Idea: After the war, the United States faces a period of unrest at home. MapMaster: Europe After World War I Color Transparencies: The League of Nations Progress Monitoring Transparency
The League of Nations Transparency: The League of Nations TRANSPARENCY
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