Northwest ISD School Health Advisory Council Sec Local School Health Advisory Council & Health Education Instruction. (m) In addition to performing other duties, the local school health advisory council shall submit to the board of trustees, at least annually, a written report Sec Local School Health Advisory Council & Health Education Instruction. (m) In addition to performing other duties, the local school health advisory council shall submit to the board of trustees, at least annually, a written report
SHAC Members -18 community members -8 district employees 26 Members -18 community members -8 district employees 3 Active Sub-Committees 3 Active Sub-Committees A. Health Committee -Living Choices -First Aid/CPR -Emergency EpiPen Procedures B. Physical Education Committee -Newsletter -5 In February C. Community Involvement -Reindeer Romp
Parent & Community Members Name Campus Debbie Peterson Medlin Heather Harrison Lakeview, Cox Michelle Smith, V-Chair Northwest, Pike, Clara Love Amy Brown Beck Suzanna Weiner Beck Julie Wright, Secretary Denton County Health Department Pamela Frank Wilson Melinda Miller Justin Caitlin Johnson Sendera Ranch Ruth Nail Medlin, Byron Nelson Torie Bonty Medlin, Byron Nelson Jamie Woodward, Chair Justin, Medlin Debbie Sharp Wilson, Byron Nelson Kamilah Hasan Denton Country Health Department Mandy Forbuss Texas Health Alliance Prascilla Wachira Denton County Health Department Veronica Warren Wilson Kelly Suchors Northwest Name Title Robin Knox Aramark Food Service Alyssa BilesHealth Teacher- Wilson Susan ElzaExecutive Director of Athletics Jennifer AlexanderExecutive Director of Student Services Debi MillerAramark Food Service Kitty PoehlerExecutive Director of Benefits & Risk Management Joel JohnsonAssistant Athletic Director Jamie FarberDirector of Counseling Northwest ISD SHAC Membership Members NISD Employees
Northwest ISD SHAC Meeting September 15 November 10 December 6 January 26 February 23 April 20 Meeting Dates
School Health Advisory Council Reindeer Romp Participation
Reindeer Romp 2014
Teamwork / Pride / Excellence