Welcome to the Strategic Planning Module of the ASTM 2002 Officers Conference Facilitators: Kathie Morgan and Dan Smith.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the Strategic Planning Module of the ASTM 2002 Officers Conference Facilitators: Kathie Morgan and Dan Smith

Wisdom from Alices Adventure in Wonderland Would you tell me please which way I should go from here asked Alice? That depends on where you want to go said the cat. I dont much care said Alice. Then it doesnt matter which way you go said the Cat. So long as I get somewhere Alice added. Youll sure do that said the cat if only you walk long enough.

For ASTM, Strategic Planning.. Is one of the most important committee activities Reinforces the assets and attributes of the committee making it stronger Provides direction and focus Moves actions toward a desired result Maximizes potential

The Strategic Planning Process Survey current status Identify future directions and needs Define goals and priorities Develop implementation plan Achieving success Measuring progress Re-assessing status

Survey Current Status Committee Overview Standards Development Profile Use of Standards in Marketplace Accessories Strengths/Weaknesses Participation vs Players International Considerations

Identify Future Directions and Needs New Activities Emerging Trends Ask the Customer Research Program Focus Think Beyond Standards

Defining Goals and Priorities Goal must include concise statement of purpose, time schedule and some measurement indicator Set priorities based on need and resources Be realistic

Develop Implementation Plan Ensure plan will take you toward goal Need buy-in from all affected Plan needs to be understandable and realistic Divide plan into major milestones

SAMPLE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Goal: Develop standard for radon mitigation to be cited in EPA Regulation by June 2004 Plan: ASTM staff and Chairman to meet with EPA staff by November 1, 2002to ensure EPA support of and participation in project Task Group Meeting at December CW to initiate draft development

Implementation Plan continued…. Interactive Standards Forum launched by February 15, 2003 Subcommittee Ballot distributed by July 1, 2003 Ballot returns discussed by task group and revised draft ready for concurrent ballot by September, 2003 Main Ballot results discussed at December 2003 CW meeting Standard approved by April 2004 Standard published and incorporated in EPA Regulations by June 2004

Strategic Planning cant stop with the Plan Biggest problem with strategic planning is losing momentum with implementation The hard truth is that the best plan is the one that actually gets implemented

Achieving SUCCESS Simple and clear Use target dates Must have accountability Regularly review progress

Measuring Progress Return to implementation plan Hold people accountable to assignments Execute corrective action and adjust schedules Reward accomplishments

Incorporating Planning into ASTM Committee Structure Force planning as a priority Function of Executive Subcommittee or Ad Hoc Group Regular communication with committee members Need to know the pulse of the industry – solicit external input if needed Use staff resources

Examples, Questions and Comments