DAMAGE ASSESSMENT What is it? “The systematic process of determining and appraising the extent of loss, suffering, and/or harm to a community.”
LOCAL DAMAGE ASSESSMENT Determines Damage and Disruption from an event Who, What, When, Where, How – Rapid – Detailed – Accurate
LOCAL DAMAGE ASSESSMENT PHASE 1 REPORTING “Initial” report due within 12 hours of start of event “COUNTYWIDE” Damage and Needs Assessment Form due within 36 hours of event. Updated as necessary over the next few days
LOCAL DAMAGE ASSESSMENT PHASE 1 REPORTING (Cont’d) - Damage and Needs (D&A) Form Show (actual/estimated) total costs to accomplish task/restore facilities, by Category. Category Costs are for county-wide activities, to include all reporting governmental and private-non-profit entities. -
LOCAL DAMAGE ASSESSMENT PHASE 2 REPORTING Damage and Needs Form, BY ENTITY -Current assessment reports should be as accurate as possible. -Basis for written request to FEMA for a Joint Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA)
Joint PDA PHASE 3 REPORTING - Formal County Meeting w/FEMA/State Team Attendees Bring: *Updated/Current D&A Form *Site Estimate Form One each, by Category by Site *Photos of Debris (sites), Damaged Facilities
Joint PDA (Cont’d) Phase 3 Reporting -Site Estimate Form (SEF) * One version for (jurisdiction-wide) Debris Removal (Cat A), Protective Measures (Cat B). May use for Department by Department * One SEF for each Category (C-G) or Site (Building, Road) * Itemize actual/estimated cost in Scope of Work section by: Labor (Reg/OT), Equipment, Materials, Rented Equipment, Contract
PUBLIC DAMAGE Joint PDA identifies: Response costs/expenses incurred in the affected areas Damage/costs to local public/PNP facilities Impact to the community(ies) Extent and type of insurance coverage Impact to public entities and certain PNP organizations
PUBLIC DAMAGES SURVEYABLE ENTITIES Political subdivisions, municipalities, townships, county government, special districts, local/regional authorities, public schools/colleges/ universities
PUBLIC DAMAGES SURVEYABLE ENTITIES (cont.) Eligible PNP Facilities Community Arts Centers Community Centers Custodial Care Educational Emergency Health and Safety Services Homeless Shelters Irrigation Facilities Libraries Medical Museums Performing Arts Facilities Rehabilitation Centers Senior Citizens Centers Shelter Workshops Utility Zoos
Estimation Tools Time and materials (Labor, Equipment, Materials) Contractor estimates FEMA Cost Codes
EMERGENCY WORK Category A Debris Removal Immediate threat to life, public health/safety Immediate threat of significant damage to improved public/private property
DEBRIS REMOVAL Examples Trees/woody debris Building wreckage Sand, mud, silt and gravel Vehicles Other disaster related material
PUBLIC PROPERTY DEBRIS Cost to remove debris from public property, rights-of-way and improved/maintained portions of parks/recreation areas is eligible.
PRIVATE PROPERTY DEBRIS Property owner is primarily responsible Public entity removal of non- construction (personal property) debris brought to right-of-way/curb is eligible Limited time frame for this activity
EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE MEASURES (Category B) TEMPORARY MEASURES/LIFE SAVNG ACTIONS Eligible Actions Search and Rescue Emergency Medical Care Emergency Mass Care and Shelter
EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE MEASURES Eligible Actions (cont.) Security in disaster area Provision of essential needs (water, medicine, food) Temporary facilities for essential community services
EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE MEASURES Eligible Actions (cont.) Activation of an Emergency Operations Center Demolition and removal of damaged public and private buildings and structures
EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE MEASURES Eligible Actions (cont.) Removal of health and safety hazards Construction of emergency protective measures to protect lives or improved property Emergency measures to prevent further damage
PERMANENT WORK Categories Roads/Bridges (Category “C”) Water Control Facilities (Category “D”) Buildings/Equipment (Category “E”) Publicly Owned Utilities (Category “F”) Parks/Recreational Facilities (Category “G”)
PERMANENT WORK (cont.) Roads and Bridges (Category C) Cost to restore system to pre-event function, design and capacity Road surface/shoulder Bridges Culverts Only roads “off” of the Federal Aid System
PERMANENT WORK (cont.) Water Control Facilities (Category D) Facilities that channel/direct water Retention basins Diversion channels Flood Control Works (limited eligibility) Debris Emergency Repairs (see Category B)
PERMANENT WORK (cont.) Buildings and Equipment (Category E) Repair/Replacement Contents Equipment Loss of function/capacity Temporary facilities Insurance
PERMANENT WORK (cont.) Public Utilities (Category F) Water/sewer, wastewater, power systems and components Owned/operated by municipalities, authorities and PNPs Report insurance coverage
PERMANENT WORK (cont.) Parks/Recreation (Category G) Parks/Recreation Facilities Examples Fields Fencing/lighting Support/concession facilities
IMPACT Cost Residual effects Delayed work Grants (local share) Workforce reductions
IMPACT (cont.) Economic Ripple Effect Loss of facility Lost income Community benefits ● Visitors/spending/multiplier
INSURANCE Coverage Type (wind, flood, etc.) Amount of unmet needs Temporary facilities
JOINT PDA FORMAT (PUBLIC TEAM) Who Participates? Local/PNP Officials County EMA Offices State/FEMA
JOINT PA PDA FORMAT How do we do it for Public Assistance? Introductions by County EMA/lead local official. The four interested parties will meet in/near the affected area in a locally selected room with tables and chairs in rows and a four-person table in the front for FEMA and the state to conduct the meeting.
JOINT PA PDA FORMAT (cont.) County (EMA) Official Opens Meeting How is the meeting conducted? FEMA and state will provide an overview of the information the PDA team is expecting and will then interview representatives of each organization/political jurisdiction impacted within the affected county.
EXPECTATIONS OF THE PA PDA TEAM SEF for each damaged facility. Detailed Damage Dimensions/ Scope of Work are required. Collated photo(s) of each major damaged site. Updated Damage and Needs Assessment Form.
EXPECTATIONS OF THE PA PDA TEAM (cont.) Insurance Information It is imperative that the extent of insurance coverage be determined as soon as possible, prior to the PDA, if possible. Bring your insurance agent, risk managers, etc. Copy of the insurance policy Any related documents such as the Statement of Loss or Proof of Loss
EXPECTATIONS OF THE PA PDA TEAM (cont.) Maps – Separate maps for PA and/or IA PDA teams: A map of each jurisdiction or master map for very localized events Map(s) should be “marked up” to reflect damaged facilities/sites Tailor maps for Infrastructure (Public Team) and Private (Individual Team) damages
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE INTERVIEW? Public Assistance (PA): FEMA may ask you to stay so you can show the Team damage sites. If FEMA views site(s) in your area of responsibility, attempt to have the appropriate facility/asset manager accompany the Team.
WHAT SITES WILL THE PA TEAM WANT TO VISIT? Damaged/impacted critical public facilities and areas with large impact and concentrated damage: Treatment Plants Public Service Structures Concentrated Debris Sites Road Washouts Bridges
WHAT WILL PA DO WITH ALL THAT PAPERWORK AND PICTURES? Two-part answer: Basis for Governor’s Request Letter Guide to FEMA and state to determine staffing and resource needs required to implement Federal/State Assistance Programs