Review of progress in implementing tasks assigned, impediments to implementation and solutions
1. Add, refine policies and plans 2. Strengthen capacity for policy and strategy making 3. Develop mechanisms, instruments to implement policies; 4. Complete and stabilize the organizational model for the health services network at all levels; 5. Strengthen capacity and effectiveness of monitoring, supervision
TasksProgress/results of implementation Develop and implement the Strategy for the protection, care and promotion of the people’s health and the health network master plan for ; and strategies and policies of specific sub- sectors. Currently drafting the updated Health Strategy and Master plan Continue to complete the health sector legal system, develop and issue the Law on Tobacco Control. Develop and refine documents guiding implementation of the Law on Infectious Disease Control, Law on Health Insurance, Law on Examination and Treatment … Several Laws have been issued; Delay in issuing decrees and circulars guiding implementation;
Tasks Progress/results of implementation Strengthen capacity for policy- making, development of master plans, plans; review the policy cycle, overcome weaknesses. Develop a plan for training to strengthen capacity to develop laws based on evidence. Make a plan for strengthen capacity for research and development of regulatory impact assessments of draft laws. Strengthen capacity for developing reports to propose policies. Pay more attention to analysis of newly emerging factors in the health system. Improve the quality of developing health sector plans through continuing to implement the JAHR each year In 2010, Joint Assessment of National Strategies (JANS) implemented in the health sector using the IHP+ instruments (International Health Partnership and related initiatives)
TasksProgress/results of implementation Organize more effectively the seeking of advice from experts and other stakeholders. Undertake research and develop a comprehensive project for reforming the health system governance. Prioritize resources of the MOH on strengthening policy making Bring into play the role of research and advisory agencies and in research, studies, provision of evidence Some research agencies have participated in research and advice- giving, however not all potential has been used effectively Strengthen participation of stakeholders in the process of policy- making and development and implementation of health plans
TasksProgress/results of implementation Strengthen dialogue, advocacy, on policy issues Important progress (success in advocating for financial resources to invest in upgrading the grassroots health network Strengthen decentralization and inter-sectoral, inter-level collaboration and coordination Pay more attention to analysis and assessment of new factors affecting the health system Lack of comprehensive research to analyze, evaluate impact of new factors, such as epidemiological transition, grassroots health in the context of the current socio- economic development situation, private health sector development
TasksProgress/results of implementation Complete draft Decree on reforming the operational and financial mechanisms for public health providers. In the process of completing Complete and standardize indicators and processes for evaluating level of satisfaction of the patients when the use hospital services at all levels. Developing mechanism to organize, evaluate and issue results of the evaluation of hospitals Simplify administrative procedures (Government Resolution 62) List of acts to simplify administrative procedures for tasks and functions managed by the MOH has been passed.
TasksProgress/results of implementation Strengthen, develop and improve capacity of the grassroots health network Continue to complete the curative care network at all levels. Step by step reorganize district hospitals by population clusters; develop regional inter-district hospitals in areas far from the center of provinces Maintain and strengthen regional polyclinics in mountainous, remote, isolated areas. Set up the Health Insurance office within the Provincial Health Bureau. Implemented study, evaluation and developed a draft circular to revise Circular 03, establish the health insurance office
TasksProgress/results of implementation Strengthen capacity for inspection, checking, supervision. Reduce gradually direct involvement of the MOH in provision of health services through decentralization of these services to localities. Extent of direct participation of the MOH in provision of health services has not fallen over the past 2 years. MOH issued Circular 17/2009 guiding checking, inspections, resolution of complaints and accusations by the head of health agencies. Strengthen, develop the health inspection network Establish a system of indicators and regularly monitor and supervise them and evaluate performance of activities in making and implementing policies and plans in the health sector Strengthen participation of social organizations, professional associations in monitoring and supervision. No major changes