An Introduction to The International Space University An international, interdisciplinary, intercultural, graduate-level education for tomorrow’s space leaders Presented by: Canadian Alumni of ISU
Welcome to the most inspiring meeting you’ll attend all year u What is ISU? u What is CFISU? u What do you learn? u Who do you meet? u What do you see? u Why should you go? u Where will it bring you?
ISU’s Philosophy World space activities have become increasingly international in nature. New skills need to be developed and enhanced in order to manage the engineering, economic, political and organisational aspects of space programmes. Space professionals of the future need a very broad base of knowledge in order for space programmes to succeed and grow.
ISU History and Founding u Founded by Todd Hawley, Bob Richards, Peter Diamandis in u First Summer Session in 1988 (MIT). SSP is in a different city each year u 6 in Europe (89, 91, 94, 95, 96, 01) u 5 in USA (88, 93, 97, 98, 02) u 1 in Canada (90) + proposal for Vancouver in 2005 u 2 in Asia (91, 99) u SSP 2000 in Chile - first time in South America u SSP 2004 in Adelaide - first time in Australia u MSS centred in Strasbourg since 1995
ISU Programmes u Master of Space Studies, MSS - 1 year u Summer Session Programme, SSP - 9 weeks u Joint Ph.D Programe - 3 years u Professional Development Programmes - 2 to 10 days u Symposia and Workshops u Publications
What do you learn at ISU? u Core Course Lectures u Themes & Specialisation Lectures u Student/Faculty Workshops u Individual Assignments u Team Design Project u Distinguished Lecture Series u Numerous social & cultural events u Professional Placement (MSS only)
SSP Departments S.S.P. Space & Society System Architecture & Mission Design Engineering Life Sciences Business & Management Policy & Law Satellite Applications Resources, Robotics & Manufacturing Physical Sciences
Space System Architecture & Mission Design u Introduction to Space Mission Design; the Requirements Process: Analysis and Specification; Mission Trade-Offs and Decision-Making; the Design Process; Mars Mission Design
Space Project Business & Management u Economic rationale for space activities; management of space projects; costing of space projects; business structures and planning; financial issues and techniques; negotiations; new economic and industrial development in space activities
Space Engineering u Orbital mechanics, perturbations, and manoeuvres; atmospheric re-entry; human engineering for extra- vehicular activity; life support systems; spacecraft design: propulsion systems and launch vehicles; spacecraft structures; payload design; power systems; guidance, navigation, and control; thermal systems; attitude determination and control systems; communications systems and link budgets; ground segment and pass planning; satellite telecommunications constellations; the Global Positioning System;
Space Physical Sciences u Electromagnetism and the electromagnetic spectrum; atmospheric physics; thermodynamics and heat transfer; ionospheric plasma; cosmology; the Earth’s magnetic field and solar/terrestrial interactions; Wien’s Law; Planck’s Law; Stephan- Boltzman Law; ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect; orbital debris modeling, collisions, and mitigation; principles of active and passive remote sensing; radiometry and multi- spectral data;
Space Law & Policy u Political rationale for space activities; national and international telecommunications regulations; world space agencies and programmes; the International Telecommunications Union; U.N. treaties on space; international space law; launch insurance and liability; economic benefits and justification of space activities; technology transfer from space; contract negotiation; legal aspects of space debris.
Space Life Sciences u Social, cultural, physiological, and psychological impacts of space travel; impact of long-duration microgravity habitation upon the human body (bone and muscle physiology, blood volume, exposure to radiation); human spacecraft design (life-support systems, interior ergonomic and psychological design);
Space Resources, Robotics, and Manufacturing u Space Resources and the Breakout into Space; Space-Based Power Generation for Earth; Long-Term Implications of Space Resources; Microgravity and Fluid Dynamics; Design and Control of Space Robots; Application and Command Strategies for Space-Based Robots
Satellite Applications u Introduction to Satellite Applications and Remote Sensing; Space Remote Sensing - Payloads & Platforms Processing; Introduction to Satellite Communications I - Telecommunications Markets and Space Segment; Satellite Communications II - Ground Stations and Other Concepts; Additional Satellite Applications; Geographic Information Systems (GIS) & Global Modeling; Digital Image Processing
Space and Society u The Origins of the Space Age; The Space Flight Revolution; Societal Structures for Long-Term Space Missions and Planetary Colonisation; The Cosmicization of Humankind; Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence