Academic Planning Georgia Highlands College
Most of the programs of study offered at GHC are transfer programs A transfer program prepares a student to ultimately complete a four-year degree at a senior college or university in a chosen program of study. Nursing, Dental Hygiene, and Human Services are considered career programs A career program prepares a student to enter the workforce in the chosen program of study upon completion of his/her degree At GHC, these programs have a very specific list of course requirements. This presentation, in general, will help you to know what coursework is required to complete your Associate’s Degree at Georgia Highlands College
The Georgia Highlands College catalog should ALWAYS be consulted for degree requirements and/or changes to the program of study The catalog is your “contract” with GHC. You may obtain a published copy in the Student Services or Enrollment Management office. The most current catalog is accessible online at og/ og/
Understanding the Core Curriculum
Area A: Basic Skills English 1101 – Grade of “C or better” required to progress English 1102 – Grade of “C or better” required to progress Math 1001 or Math 1111 or Math 1113* – Math 1111 is the gateway to Calculus and is geared for programs of study with “heavy” sciences – *has prerequisite of Math 1111
Area B: Institutional Options COMM 1100 Elective – FCCS 1100 Freshman College Computer Studies – IDIS 1100 Interdisciplinary Studies – NSCI 1100 Natural Science (Bioethics)
Area C: Humanities ONE English Literature Course (World, British, American, or African-American) No sequence ONE Elective – ARTS 1113 Art Appreciation MUSC 1100 Music Appreciation PHIL 2010 Introduction to Philosophy Strongly Recommended for Nursing SPAN 1002* Additional English Literature * has a prerequisite of SPAN SPAN 1001 is a non-credit course at GHC.
Area D: Science & Mathematics A Science Sequence (Two courses in same field – Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science, Geology) One elective –typically a MATH course Since MATH courses are sequenced, the options here depend on the course taken in Area A Math 1001 Math 2200 ONLY Math 1111 Math 1113, Math 2200, or Math 2040 (Consult catalog for your best option)
Area E: Social Science POLS 1101* ONE World/Western History – No sequence ONE American History* – No sequence One Elective – PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology – SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology – RELI 1116 Introduction to Religion – GEOG 1101 Introduction to Geography – Additional History Course *Legislative Requirements for State of Georgia
Area F: Courses Specific to Program of Study Consult GHC Catalog at du/currentstudents/cat alog/ du/currentstudents/cat alog/
Additional Graduation Requirements 2 PHED courses, one of which must be PHED 1010
Preparing to Transition Completion of an Associate’s Degree at GHC (or any school) will make the transition to a 4-year institution smoother. – Most courses in the General Education Core Curriculum will transfer within the University System of Georgia. – BEWARE!!!! If you plan to transfer outside the USG system or out-of-state Transfer with 30-hours of credit is permissible – If you plan to transfer to a 4-year institution upon completion of 30 hours, it is best to complete an entire area of the core curriculum prior to transfer – There is an agreement among USG schools to accept a completed area from another USG school