Health Sciences and Practice & Medicine Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine Higher Education Academy Subject Centres Name of facilitator(s) Marion Waite, Steve Burholt Title of facilitator(s) Senior Lecturer & Systems Developer Oxford Brookes University eLearning in Health 2011 conference collaboration, sharing and sustainability in the current environment Presentation Title Persuading the decision makers: the journey from online course design to creating reusable learning objects and publishing them as OERS
Online Course Design- the journey to openness eLearning in Health Conference 2011
Distance Learning Units- uploading our resources to RADAR eLearning in Health Conference 2011
Reusable images for team teaching eLearning in Health Conference 2011g
Evidence to support taster teaching collection as OERs ‘Not easy to find online distance learning courses thorough routine searches and quality of websites varies ‘ (White et al, 2010) 50% increase in applications to the MSc Nursing Studies programme White, D. Warren, N. Faughnan, S & Manton, M. (2010) Study of UK Online Learning. Oxford. TALL & HEFCE
A programme decision strategy for taster OERs The prospective student experience Programme team considerations What are the expectations of this course/study at this level? What resources have we incorporated into curriculum design, which captures what is expected of learners? Who will teach me on this course?What are our best resources that characterizes the practice, teaching, research & publishing expertise of the team? How will I access course content? What resources convey our diversity of approach to course content delivery ? What does online learning, look sound and feel like? What examples of learning objects and use of tools have current students found most effective? What technologies may I be expected to use on this course? How can we convey accessibility to our course materials? Who will support the team with preparation and publishing to the outside world? Who else do I need to consult?
RADAR Taster materials
What is RADAR? R esearch A rchive D igital A sset R epository Institutional repository for Oxford Brookes
What is RADAR? Brookes research
What is RADAR? Teaching materials
What is RADAR? Taster materials
Taster materials are uploaded to RADAR and then embedded in course webpages
How did we produce the taster materials in the School?
1. Gather resources 2. Copyright check 4. Adjust and describe 5. Publish 3. Quality check
Marion Waite Senior lecturer Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Oxford Brookes University Steve Burholt E-learning systems developer RADAR webpage