Contactforum: Digitale bibliotheken voor muziek. 3/6/2005 Real music libraries in the virtual future: for an integrated view of music and music information Michael Fingerhut Ircam – Centre Pompidou Paris, France
2 The new challenges facing libraries and their users Need to organize and provide access to: Collections and archives Physical, ephemeral and virtual objects Local and remote Audiovisual, symbolic and textual data Data and metadata (and metametadata, metametametadata…) Approach Domain-specific (music information) Share resources Provide structured and efficient search and navigation tools In collections In objects Provide appropriation tools (remember, analyze, explain)
pattern extraction, form recognition… synchronization, summarization indexation pitch, voice extraction work publications paper symbolic OCR score about sound audioprograms text fingerprint structure taste, mood user musicology data multimediaaudio data rights owner DRM annotation performer composer performance (live, recorded) information music stored data metadata genre automatic playlists librarian lyrics abstract digital symbolic physical semantic author interaction cognitive, social theory feature extraction, identification motives concept → sign → signal → sign → concept textual features characteristics musical acoustical interpretation similarity formorchestration melodykeyharmonypolyphonytempoinstrumentation chordssegmentsdynamicsrhythm … durationpitchtimbre intensityspatialroom analysis A (simplified) map of music information similarity metadata
4 Library catalogue Calendar of concerts Common search point OAI protocol (name, title, instrumentation, date, place…) Where Audio concert archives Listen When, where Biographies, articles Concert notes Read Federating internal contents and information sources Web reference
5 OAI protocol (name, title, instrumentation, date, place…) Federating contents and information sources of distinct organizations Organization 1 Organization 3 Common search point Organization 2
6 Technical information Characteristics Distributed catalog vs. directory Domain-specific search vs. googling Sharing metadata Distributed search Z39.50, ZING… “Real-time” Harvest metadata OAI (Open Archive Initiative) Light How to share data (full- content search) Share the indexes Underlying software: SDX Open source search engine and publishing framework for XML documents Includes OAI Browse, search, thesauri Current projects Sharing contemporary music resources within and across institutions Sharing ethnomusicological collections across institutions
7 Example: ethnomusicological portal
8 Displaying musical structure and navigating within a document
9 Displaying semantic structure of a sound recording and navigating within it
10 Annotating multimedia documents for analysis and comparison Arbitrary multipage background Arbitrary shapes, images and text Layers (overlays) allowing selective display at play time Timed events Automatic synchronization with different audio files using cue points Cursor (forward, backward) Play same annotation with distinct audio (video) files Multiwindow (Automatic tools)
11 Efficiency (and rights): produce music excerpts via automatic summarization all1:47:35A small bit of each segment each0:14:82One segment of each type longest0:03:25Longest segment most freq.0:03:25Most frequent segment similarity matrix The warmer the color (red = warmest), the more similar 1. Find which parts sound like other parts (timbre similarity, e.g.) 2. Extract segments 3. Produce summaries Courtesy of Geoffroy Peeters, Ircam 0m0s 5m25s
12 The new librarian Less hard-core cataloguing Automatized procedures Not just “google” collecting Collection building Selection of documents Validation Valorization Virtual works Virtual collections Physical and virtual mediation VRML, etc. Information specialist