Center for Service Innovation …. Master Theses 2011 October 5, 2011 Per Egil Pedersen Professor and Director of Center for Service Innovation (CSI) Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
Contents Center for Service Innovation CSI themes Master thesis examples Support Information
1. Center for Service Innovation (CSI) Objectives: Increase the quality, efficiency and commercial success of innovation activities in leading Norwegian service providers Enhance the innovation capabilities of its business and academic partners Partners: 11 Business partners, 3 bridging partners, 4 national and 2 international research partners Budget: Total: € 22 Mill over 8 yrs RCN funding: € 10 Mill Business funding: € 5 Mill Approach Partner NSD projects basis for all research
2- CSI Themes – examples of problems Innovations in customer and brand experiences How to design the brand experience in and across channels (e.g. social media) and through the customer journey (e.g. from store to web) Co-creation and open innovation processes How feasible is open innovation when secrecy is the main IPR-instrument? Open innovation of experience rich customers Business model innovations Do business model innovations transfer across firms? Structural and regulatory innovations Do regulation stimulate or facilitate innovation in service sectors?
3. Master thesis examples Innovations in customer and brand experiences What are the unique experiences customers seek from individual digital channels (Web-shop, brand community site, social media sites etc…)? Can be related to both Telenor, Storebrand and Tryg projects How can a shared brand experience be implemented across digital channels? (Telenor and other CSI-partners) Customer experience of insurance services among Norwegian immigrants (Tryg) From market and customer orientation to experience orientation, measuring and managing (e.g. KPI’s) an experience centric company (related to Telenor) Service design concept tests (from service concepts developed for Telenor, Storebrand, Tryg, Posten and DnBNOR this autumn) Implementing service quality dimensions in financial service recommendation systems (e.g. Finansportalen) (DnB NOR) Product/service system innovations in the sports industry (Sintef, Madshus) More from Siv in a few minutes….
Master thesis examples Co-creation and open innovation processes Feasibility study of open innovation, both theoretical review and empirical investigation of practices. Customer involvement in service innovation, empirical investigations of CSI-partner customer involvement initiatives (DnB NOR, Telenor) Reviews of service innovation best practices, differences between product and service innovation practices Mapping the innovation practices of CSI partners (case studies) (DnBNOR, Posten, Storebrand) Opportunities and limitations in using Community Innovation Survey data for understanding service innovation processes. More from Jon Iden…
Master thesis examples Business model innovations What is the difference between business model design and business model innovation - a literature review (WP7). Governance forms and business models of small, distributed logistics partners (Posten) Servitization and sustainability – business model innovations from the service sector (WP7-partners) Structural and regulatory innovations and foresight WP The roles of regulatory authorities in service innovation (Storebrand, PwC) Mapping the innovation system for service innovations, interactions between firms, financial markets, regulatory authorities and innovation policy makers (Abelia, Argentum, PwC) Foresight and trend analysis methodologies for service innovation (DnBNOR, inFuture) These are just examples, you have considerable freedom in designing the problem to fit your individual preferences and interests in CSI
4. Support Supervision and learning/sharing Business relationships Coordinated supervision by CSI professors, PhD scholars, sharing events, e.g. CSI lunches Business relationships Strong relationships with CSI partners (data, informants, info, access, job opportunities etc.) Fascilities Methods, instruments and lab fascilities at NHH and CSI-partners Financial support Some support of direct costs (e.g. data collection) 50’NOK
Information When applying for supervisor put Center for Service Innovation (CSI) on your application Send an e-mail to to indicate your theme of interest. Innovations in customer and brand experiences Co-creation and open innovation processes Business model innovations Structural and regulatory innovations