NFPA 70E Update for ASTM F18 ASTM F18 Representatives for the NFPA 70E TC Allen Bingham, Primary Member Tom Rege, Alternate Member Tom Neal, 2nd Alternate/Proxie Marcia Eblen, 3rd Alternate/Proxie Global leader in developing, distributing and ensuring compliance to standards for over 82 years. Recognized certifier of products to Canadian, U.S. and International standards. Issuer of product approval marks – which appear on over 1 billion products globally. Registrar to international management system standards, including ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO 14001 (environment). 3 Operating Divisions: Canadian Standards Association – standards development arm QMI – provides management system registration (ISO 9000) CSA International – offers certification & testing services
SC2 Report on NFPA 70E ROP Meeting NFPA 70E Technical Committee completed their ROP meeting (Report on Proposals) January 16-20, 2007 in Hilton Head, SC NFPA 70E TC needed to address 579 proposals for revisions to the 70E standard Approx. 260 proposals were addressed by five Task Groups—the TG proposed actions for these were accepted w/o TC review The remaining ~320 proposals were addressed by the full 70E TC Global leader in developing, distributing and ensuring compliance to standards for over 82 years. Recognized certifier of products to Canadian, U.S. and International standards. Issuer of product approval marks – which appear on over 1 billion products globally. Registrar to international management system standards, including ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO 14001 (environment). 3 Operating Divisions: Canadian Standards Association – standards development arm QMI – provides management system registration (ISO 9000) CSA International – offers certification & testing services
NFPA 70E committee actions on 579 proposals 177 Accepted NFPA 70E ROP Meeting, cont. NFPA 70E committee actions on 579 proposals 177 Accepted 146 Accepted in Principal 15 Accepted in Part 35 Accepted in Principal and Part 206 Rejected Global leader in developing, distributing and ensuring compliance to standards for over 82 years. Recognized certifier of products to Canadian, U.S. and International standards. Issuer of product approval marks – which appear on over 1 billion products globally. Registrar to international management system standards, including ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO 14001 (environment). 3 Operating Divisions: Canadian Standards Association – standards development arm QMI – provides management system registration (ISO 9000) CSA International – offers certification & testing services
NFPA 70E Technical Committee Voting Process NFPA 70E ROP Meeting, cont. NFPA 70E Technical Committee Voting Process At the ROP meeting, a simple majority was needed to approve a proposed Committee Action. On the paper ballot, a two thirds majority is needed to approve a proposed Committee Action The initial paper ballot and the re-circulation ballot were completed in March The Technical Coordinating Committee has or will do a review of the ballot results Global leader in developing, distributing and ensuring compliance to standards for over 82 years. Recognized certifier of products to Canadian, U.S. and International standards. Issuer of product approval marks – which appear on over 1 billion products globally. Registrar to international management system standards, including ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO 14001 (environment). 3 Operating Divisions: Canadian Standards Association – standards development arm QMI – provides management system registration (ISO 9000) CSA International – offers certification & testing services
NFPA 70E ROP Meeting, cont. Most contentious proposals related to Scope section 90.1(B) regarding the exclusion of installations for ships/watercraft, mining, railways, communications and utilities. Voting at the meeting on proposals 7, 9, 10, 12, 13 and 14 was fairly close, i.e. 11 to 7 and 10 to 7 for eliminating all these exclusions. They were approved with a simple majority at the ROP meeting, sustained in initial ballot but the utility exclusion was retained in the re-circulation ballot.
NFPA 70E ROP Meeting, cont. The NFPA 70E Chair formed the “Word and Phrase” Task Group to address the need for consistency in the use of the terms “live parts” and “exposed live parts” and “working on or near”
NFPA 70E ROP Meeting, cont. The Task Group is charged with the following instructions: Consider all affirmative and negative ballot comments in this ROP stage associated with proposal sequence number 70E-244 (log 457g) and others as they relate to the work of this task group. The task group is charged to review how the above mentioned terms are used in defining requirements in all proposals and in the entirety of NFPA 70E Chapters 1, 2, 3, and the proposed Chapter 5. Since Chapter 4 is extracted from the NEC, the words and phrases can be assumed to be used a intended by the NEC. The task group shall consider using the above mentioned terms as used in previous editions of NFPA 70E. The task group shall consider modifications to the above mentioned terms to resolve this issue. The task group shall consider generating one or more new terms to provide clarity to these concepts. Note that this method will require the term be defined. In order to prevent new material from being introduced proposed definitions must be included in an affirmative or negative ballot in the ROP. The task group is charged to resolve this issue. Attempt to use existing terms or “think outside of the box” and develop a solution. The task group shall submit comments with recommendations to solve the problem prior to the comment closing date. If necessary, committee proposals may be developed by the task group.
NFPA 70E ROP Meeting, cont. Occurrences of “on or near” in Chapter 1 and their probable meaning per the context: Limited Approach Boundary Flash Protection Boundary Limited Approach & Flash Protection Boundaries Electrical Hazards Ambiguous 100 – Electrically Safe Work Condition 130.7(C)(10) 110.8 110.1 120.2(D)(2) 110.8(A)(1) 110.8(A) 110.6(C) 130.1(A)(3) 130.1 110.7(B) 130.4 130.1 FPN No. 2 110.7(E) 130.5 110.7(F) 110.8(B) 120.2 130
NFPA 70E ROP Meeting, cont. Next Steps for NFPA 70E Revision Cycle Results of the TC paper ballot—April, 2007 ROP document posted for public comment by June 22, 2007 Public comments close August 31, 2007 ROC “Report on Comments” TC meeting October 1-4, 2007 NFPA 70E ROC posted by February 22, 2008 2009 Edition of NFPA 70E published by October 1, 2008.
Next Steps for ASTM F18.93 NFPA 70E Task Group Review ROP document posted for public comment by June 22, 2007 Develop F18 Public comments for submission by August 31, 2007