Division Of Construction
Division of Construction 700 students per year enrol on construction specific courses taught within the Division of Construction. Approximately 150 additional students enrol through widening participation (e.g school pupils, adult education programmes). There are 50 members of staff, (full-time and part-time, academic and support). We have a purpose built construction facility with a range of courses being offered from the Intermediate Craft Award to the BSc Hons.
Division of Construction The central college funding model makes an allocation to the Head of Division based on student numbers/programmes at each census point. It is then the Divisions responsiblity to work within the budget circa £1.5 million pounds. 82% of trainees have employed status and are predominantly following Degree, HNC, NC courses and NVQ’s from the Divisional portfolio. We work with the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) and other managing agents to deliver Foundation Modern Apprenticeships and Advanced Modern Apprenticeships.
Division of Construction These programmes have many demands with regard to Key Skills as the Key Skill level is determined by NTO (National Training Organisation) and is not free standing. Full time students following Curriculum 2000 package utilise the innovative Industrial Practice Day mode of delivery which is being pioneered in this Division. The final bid for the Centre of Vocational Excellance (CoVE) was submitted in mid-March and our success will enhance our position as a major provider of construction education and training within the South West.
Division of Construction We have the potential to become the centre of a regional spinal network delivering education and training within the construction industry, developing good practice and maximising progression through on-line learning. Working with the Somerset Trust for Sustainable Development, the Division hoping to develop a regional sustainability resource and conference centre. Taking the delivery of Construction skills into the community to promote vocational opportunities within the industry
Division of Construction Regional Centre of Vocational Excellence for Construction (crafts, professions & sustainability). In partnership with the construction industry & other providers, the centre will: Provide high quality responsive education & training for the Construction Industry. Increase the skill availability in construction to meet the growing sector demands. Increase recruitment by extending the provision of construction crafts.
Division of Construction Increase participation & access to higher level skills & continuous professional development. Promote sustainability in the building sector. Provide a research and resource base for regional companies of all sizes. Extend the educational & employer links to provide high quality education & training opportunities for the age group and adults within the catchment area. Work with other providers to extend access to specialist skills needs.
Division Of Construction Concept - Sustainable Construction Resource and Forum Centre Project - Physical Resource Provision. Larger scale models in and around the site (construction by students at SCAT). Physical examples of sustainable construction techniques. Access to expert support staff advisers. Paper and electronic materials. Audio-visual display materials and facilities. Networked access to resources/information - internet and intranet connections via workstations. Physical examples of sustainable construction materials. Sales/promotion booth for sustainable construction books, STSD literature and SCAT information materials. SCAT existing physical resources - Conference/Busi ness Link Centre (and other Somerset colleges). Architects, designers - design advise samples of sustainable materials, techniques etc. Association with accredited education providers will deliver training services and offer resources to support the project aims. SCAT training/educational services. A sustainably constructed Resource/Forum Centre with supportive advisory, educational activities, research and resources. Resourced library, information and seminar facilities.
Division Of Construction