June Overview of Operations & the INIS Record INIS Training Seminar 2-6 June 2003 Vienna, Austria Seyda RIEDER INIS Section Supervisor, Bibliographic Control Unit
June Method of Operation Decentralized: Decentralized: Collection and Selection of literature Preparation of input records è National INIS CentresCentralized: Merging and Quality Control of data Production & Updating INIS Database (Bibliographic & NCL) INIS Secretariat è INIS SecretariatDecentralized: Dissemination & Utiliziation è National INIS Centres
June 20033
4 Major Goal High quality of the INIS Database Comprehensiveness (full coverage) Timely announcement of data Consistency (adherence to rules, standards) Retrievability of references NCL fulltext available from INIS Only achieved with the cooperation of National INIS Centres
June must be within the scope of INIS primarily selection: primarily the responsibility of the subject specialist at national centre discussed in detail in ‘Subject Analysis’ part of this seminar Selection of Publications
June Rule which country catalogues a publication: publications are reported by the country in which they were published International Organizations: responsible for all publications of the organization INIS context of ‘publishing’: “ making public ” or “ making generally known ” presenting a paper at a conference’ by ‘presenting a paper at a conference’ ‘host country of a conference’ by being ‘host country of a conference’ … Publications
June Submission of Input by via FTP on CD-ROM on diskette on DatTape on magnetic media on worksheet
June Data Processing at INIS Registration and Processing of input data INIS Data Processing System IDPS INIS Data Processing System = IDPS Quality Control (online) Bibliographic Indexing NCL Fulltext inconsistencies, errors, verification of data validation of full text
June Week Processing Cycle Correct records(successfully passed checking programs) Correct records (successfully passed checking programs) Ready to create the new update of the INIS Database INIS Database
June Pending Records due to... Errors Errors è Bibliographic è Indexing è Missing and/or incomplete data, full text, … National Centre contacted for clarification Leads to î Processing delays î Impacts the timeliness of database
June INIS Record: Unit of information containing the description of the piece of literature provided by the National INIS Centre Consists of: Header Bibliographic description Subject descriptors Abstract in English The INIS Record
June Distinction between: Conventional literature Non-Conventional literature Concept of ‘Literature’ in INIS
June Conventional Literature Literature that is commercially available through normal distribution channels, i.e. booksellers magazine trades publishing houses eg: books, journals
June Non-Conventional Literature Non-Conventional Literature (NCL) Literature that is not available through normal commercial channels ( “grey literature”) produced in print and/or electronic format disseminated in limited numbers appears before/without formal publication process difficult to locate available from issuing organization or a clearinghouse (eg. INIS Clearinghouse)
June Non-Conventional Literature Non-Conventional Literature (NCL) Examples: scientific and technical reports (incl. pre-prints, research, progress, advanced, final, annual reports) conference proceedings/programs (non-commercially published) theses & dissertations technical specifications & standards government reports and documents bibliographies Brochures, pamphlets, etc.
June B: Books J: Journal Articles I: Miscellaneous (Conferences, Thesis, etc.) R: Reports P: Patents F: Audiovisual Material T: Computer Medium ‘Types of Records’ in INIS
June ENo abstract Prepared KConference NNumerical Data QLegislative Material TTranslation UThesis VComputer Program Description WStandard/Specification XNCL - Not Available from INIS YProgress Report ZBibliography Literary Indicators
June Author (+ Affiliation and/or Corporate Organization) Title (English + Original language) Identification Numbers (eg. Report No., ISBN, ISSN) Date of Publication Physical Description (no. of Pages, Size) Language Descriptors Subject Classification codes Abstract Main Data Elements
June Decisions required: In INIS scope? Conventional / Non-Conventional? What Type of Record? Which Bibliographic Levels? Lead Record? Literary Indicators? Need to assign a Report Number? Conference data? Full-text available? Hardcopy scan Softcopy download/upload? First steps to input preparation
June A publication can contain: several individual chapters parts written by different authors different subjects M In addition to the individually described chapters, a monographic record (M level) has to be prepared to descripe the complete publication. Lead Record The record that describes the publication as a whole is called a Lead Record Lead Record
June When the publication consists of individual chapters, parts, etc., prepare: a lead record for the complete publication analytic records for the individual chapters, parts, etc. Lead Record
June Attn: not do not prepare a Lead Record for journal articles fields that are specific to each analytic record that is being described: subject category code author(s) title, size, date of article, notes, etc.. descriptors abstract Lead Record
June INIS Input Preparation Software FIBRE: F riendly I nputting of B ibliographic Re cords thorough checking of records ensure consistency of records rapid processing at INIS