Climate Change Education and Outreach Karen Scott, Education/Outreach Specialist U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Climate Change Division
Communicating Climate Change: Internet General public’s source for accurate climate change information Newly revamped One of EPA’s most popular sites Science Greenhouse Gas Emissions Health and Environmental Effects U.S. Climate Policy What You Can Do Other Resources
EPA’s Personal Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator Provides estimate of emissions form household energy use and waste disposal Helps identify what you can do to reduce emissions What You Can Do At Home At the Office On the Road At School
Fact Sheets and Brochures “What You Can Do” fact sheets for distribution to the public Brochures: Climate Change and Public Lands, Birds, Cold Water Fish, Coral Reefs (all in revision)
Educational ToolKits Climate Change, Wildlife and Wildlands Toolkit for Teachers and Interpreters created in 2001 with NPS and U.S. FWS for formal and non-formal education case studies, activities, and audiovisual materials Global Warming Wheel Card Kit (2002) for middle school - kids learn how to create an energy efficient school Climate CHECK (2007) for high school students to calculate emissions
Revision of Wildlife Kit Collaborative effort of 8 federal agencies (EPA, NPS, USFWS, NOAA, NASA, USDA/FS, USGS, BLM) 11 case studies of 11 eco-regions in U.S. High Def Video on climate science and impacts on wildlife and wild lands Impacts information as specific and local as possible “What You Can Do” beyond the light bulb More environmentally friendly packaging (DVD)
Education/Outreach Programs Heat Health Initiative Sea Level Rise (incl. CCSP SAP 4.1 – release for public comment, Feb. 2008) Tribes (with EPA American Indian Affairs) Climate Friendly Parks (with NPS) Climate Ready Estuaries (new in with EPA Office of Water and NEPs)
Contact Information Karen Scott USEPA