What is the appeal of Gambling?. What do we know from the 1920’s that may have caused the Great Depression?


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Presentation transcript:

What is the appeal of Gambling?

What do we know from the 1920’s that may have caused the Great Depression?

1920’s Economy President Harding and Coolidge had pro- business Laissez-Faire Policies 1920’s Economy experienced significant growth –Boom in production –Newly affordable goods –Growth of Consumerism –(advertising) –New Credit tools eased buying Installment buying

Stocks…not Socks… What is stock? Why sell pieces of a company? Why buy pieces of a company? How/why does the price go up? –Marketplace When is profit and loss made official? How is it like gambling?

Your Task Draw a diagram or flow chart that demonstrates Buying on Margin. –Must Include Price of Stock Amount of stock purchased How much on margin? 2 Outcomes –Price goes up when you sell –Price goes down when you sell

How is this a Double Gamble? 1. Could lose the money you have 2. Could lose money that you do not even have.