1. All students read “on level” by end of 3 rd grade 2. 85% or more of all students will score at or above proficient in Spring % or more of all students will score better than proficient Spring Earn a letter grade of “A” for the Progress component on the new state report card 5. Earn a letter grade of “A” for the Gap Closing component on new state report card 6. Earn a letter grade of “A” for Preparation for Success component on the new State Report Card 7. Increase the percent of 2014 graduates who take the ACT by at least 10% and increase the average ACT score of 2014 graduates by 1.0 points 2
All students read “on level” by end of 3 rd grade Supports the Literacy component on new state report card Also want to increase number of students reading “on level” each year as students progress from: K to 1 st grade 1 st to 2 nd grade 2 nd to 3 rd grade 3
85% or more of all students will score at or above the proficient level on all state assessments in Spring 2014 Supports the Achievement component for the new state report card which now requires 80% passage on all state indicators (no longer 75%) in Part of our district OIP goal 4
75% or more of all students will score better than proficient (either Accelerated or Advanced) on all state assessments in Spring 2014 Supports district’s goal of achieving a PI score of 109 by 2016 Part of our district OIP goal 5
Grade /Subj rd Math rd Read th Math th Read th Math th Read th Sci th Math th Read
Grade/Subj th Math th Read th Math th Read th Sci th Math th Read th Writ th Sci th Soc St
All buildings and the district will earn a letter grade of “A” for the Progress component on the new state report card Gifted students Lowest achieving students (lowest 20%) Students with learning disabilities 8
All buildings and the district will earn a letter grade of “A” for the Gap Closing component on new state report card Must meet AMO targets (84.9% passage in Reading, 80.5% passage in Math, and graduation rate of 78.2%) OR Make progress in closing the gaps for all former AYP subgroups Must focus on following subgroups: o Students with disabilities o African American students o Economically disadvantaged students 10
The district will earn a letter grade of “A” for Preparation for Success component on the new State Report Card Enrolling in and passing AP exams Earning three more more college credit hours through dual enrollment courses Graduating with a State Honors Diploma Graduating without the need for college remediation 11
Increase the percent of 2014 graduates who take the ACT by at least 10% compared to previous graduating class and increase the average ACT score of 2014 graduates by 1.0 points compared to previous graduating class 12
1. Transform instruction and assessment practices to meet the needs and demands of Ohio’s New Learning Standards and new state/PARCC assessments 2. Support the successful implementation of “Plus More” class time 3. Utilize formative assessment 4. Integrate more technology into teaching & learning 5. Provide support needed for new courses/programs 6. Effectively analyze and use data 7. Provide high quality PD to teachers 13
Transform instruction and assessment practices to meet the needs and demands of Ohio’s New Learning Standards and new state/PARCC assessments More in depth learning and application of knowledge language-in-classroom language-in-classroom Bob Probst’s asks, “How’s that been working for you?” Kylene Beers talks about changing questioning techniques to attain superior learning gains Administering more online assessments ThinkGate implementation 14
Support the successful implementation of“Plus More” class time Teachers of Reading Title Tutors Intervention Specialists Plus More Teachers 15
Utilize formative assessment Continue with online Formative Instructional Practices (FIP) professional development Very important now with OTES olls/MmIcXq37tzdbcVS olls/MmIcXq37tzdbcVS 16
Integrate more technology into teaching and learning Focus on skills that will be necessary for students to take online assessments in Spring 2015 Keyboarding, manipulating objects, reading info online, etc. iPads / Chromebooks i-Ready diagnostics and i-Ready Instruction STEAM (5 th – 6 th ) and STEM (7 th – 9 th ) Khahn Academy, Study Island, First In Math EagleApps Flipped Classrooms ThinkGate 17
Provide support needed for new courses/programs 7 th - 9 th Grade STEM STEAM High School of Business Pathway to Nursing Online and blended learning Virtual Learning Academy of Jefferson County K-3 Reading Readiness Grant Initiatives 18
Effectively analyze and use data iReady Diagnostics Study Island Accelerated Reader GradeCam TestingWerks ThinkGate EXPLORE, PLAN, Quality Core End of Course Exams 19
Provide high quality PD to teachers PLC’s Building meetings Delivered to teachers via technology Online webinars District inservice days blasts District Intranet page 20