Slide 1 FastFacts Feature Presentation June 24 th, 2008 We are using audio during this session, so please dial in to our conference line… Phone number: Participant code:
Slide 2 Todays Topic Well be taking a look at… How to create and maintain Coeus user accounts
Slide 3 Todays Presenter Tim Schleicher Director, Office of Research Information Systems
Slide 4 Session Segments Presentation Tim will show us how to set up a new Coeus user account and make updates to existing accounts. During Tims presentation, your phone will be muted. Q&A After the presentation, well hold a Q&A session. Well open up the phone lines, and youll be able to ask questions. Tim will answer as many of your questions as time allows.
Slide 5 Contact Us If you would like to submit a question during the presentation or if youre having technical difficulties, you can us at: You can also send us an instant message! GoogleTalk – AOL Instant Messenger – HopkinsFastFacts MSN –
Slide 6 Survey At the end of this FastFacts session, well ask you to complete a short survey. Your honest comments will help us to enhance and improve future FastFacts sessions.
Slide 7 Coeus User Maintenance
Slide 8 Coeus Modules In Production: Proposal Development Institute Proposal Negotiations Person Rolodex Planned for August 2008 Award Subcontract Report Tracking Reporting Engine Planned for 2009 IRB COI
Slide 9 Agenda Coeus and JHED How to create new user accounts How to assign roles Typical roles assigned to faculty and departmental administrative staff What steps to take when a staff member transfers to another department or terminates their employment Review of rights associated with roles Conclusions Questions & Answers
Slide 10 Coeus and JHED Coeus User ID = JHED ID Password may be different from JHED password Users can change their own password File>Change Password The #1 received at is forgotten JHED integration coming soon!
Slide 11 Unit Hierarchy Admin>Unit HierarchyDepartmental>Users
Slide 12 Admin>Unit Hierarchy
Slide 13 Departmental>Users
Slide 14 Edit>Create New User A pop-up window will open. If the new Coeus user is an employee, click the Find button to conduct a Person Search.
Slide 15 Person Search A Person Search window will open. Within this window, type the name of the new Coeus user and then click Find.
Slide 16 Person Search Results Search results will appear. Select the new Coeus user from this list and then click the OK button.
Slide 17 Setting Up New User Account Notice the fields for User ID and User Name are already populated, the status defaults to Active, and the Non-Employee checkbox is dimmed.
Slide 18 Assign a Temporary Password You will have to assign a temporary password for the new user account. We suggest you use coeus. The first time the new user logs in, the system will prompt the user to change his/her password.
Slide 19 Assigning Roles You will select roles from the Roles Not Assigned column, and then click the Add button to move them to the Roles Assigned column. You can also remove roles that have been assigned by selecting roles from the Roles Assigned column and then clicking the Remove button.
Slide 20 Descend Flag The Descend Flag is used when you assign roles at a parent unit. Checking off the red slash descends this role to all subunits below, meaning you only have to assign the role at the parent.
Slide 21 Typical Bundled Roles A typical faculty member would need: Proposal Creator Rolodex Maintainer View Institute Proposal View Negotiations A typical departmental administrator would need: Aggregator Modify All Dev Proposals Person Maintainer Proposal Creator Rolodex Maintainer User Maintainer View Institute Proposal View Negotiations Role definitions will be discussed later in this presentation.
Slide 22 Youre Done! Click the OK button to add the new user to the Coeus database.
Slide 23 System Access Instructions Step 1: Install Java (MAC users jump to step 2 or 3): Step 2: Run JHSecure if you are working outside of the Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Medicine firewalls. Step 3: Install Coeus Premium Desktop application ***To access CoeusLite, enter
Slide 24 View>Assigned Roles You can see what roles have been assigned to a specific user by selecting the user, and then selecting View>Assigned Roles from the menu. A pop-up window listing the users roles will appear.
Slide 25 All Users Assigned to a Role You can also view all users assigned to a specific role by clicking the + button next to the role name.
Slide 26 Transferring User Accounts When a staff member transfers to another Department, Lab, or Center (DLC) within the Institution, you should remove all roles you have assigned, and then MOVE their Coeus User Account to their new DLC. With the user account selected, select Edit>Move User.
Slide 27 Search for the New Unit Use the Search icon to find the staff members new Unit. Then click the OK button to move the user account.
Slide 28 Terminated Employees When a staff member terminates, you should remove all the roles you have assigned, and then mark their Coeus User account as Inactive. User Accounts are not deleted from the database.
Slide 29 Coeus Role Definitions Roles currently available: Aggregator Budget Creator Narrative Writer Viewer Modify All Dev Proposals Person Maintainer Proposal Creator Rolodex Maintainer User Maintainer View All Dev Proposals View Institute Proposal View Negotiations Roles coming in August 2008: View Award View Subcontract
Slide 30 Proposal Roles Blue Roles
Slide 31 Aggregator Rights associated with role: Certify the investigators Answer Yes/No questions Submit the proposal for departmental routing and Institute approval Maintain proposal roles Modify budget Modify narrative Modify proposal details
Slide 32 Budget Creator Rights associated with role: Modify budget Modify proposal details View narrative
Slide 33 Narrative Writer Rights associated with role: Modify narrative Modify proposal details View budget
Slide 34 Viewer Rights associated with role: View budget View narrative View proposal details
Slide 35 Department Roles Yellow Roles:
Slide 36 Proposal Creator Rights associated with role: Create a new proposal.
Slide 37 Modify All Dev Proposals Rights associated with role: Answer Yes/No questions Maintain proposal abstracts Maintain proposal roles Modify budget Modify narrative Modify proposal details
Slide 38 View All Dev Proposals View All Dev Proposals can view all parts of all proposal development records for the Unit.
Slide 39 View Institute Proposal View Institute Proposal can view the Institute Proposal record. The Viewer cannot create or modify any portion of the Institute Proposal record.
Slide 40 View Negotiations View Negotiations can view negotiation activity recorded for an Institute Proposal record. The viewer cannot create or modify any portion of the Negotiation Activity.
Slide 41 Person Maintainer Person Maintainer can upload biographical sketches and maintain educational history at the database level.
Slide 42 Rolodex Maintainer Rights associated with role: Add a new rolodex entry Modify a rolodex entry owned by Unit Delete a rolodex entry owned by Unit
Slide 43 User Maintainer User Maintainer can create new Coeus user accounts.
Slide 44 View Award (coming soon) View Award can view all parts of the award record.
Slide 45 View Subcontract (coming soon) View Subcontract can view all parts of the subcontract record associated with an award record.
Slide 46 Conclusion Every person who uses Coeus needs to be set up as a user Every user has a set of roles which allow them to perform functions within the Coeus application Every role is composed of rights which define a specific functionality Users and Roles are configured through the Coeus Premium interface. Users and their roles are associated to one or more units within your department, lab, or centers unit hierarchy If a user has different responsibilities in various units, they can be set up with the appropriate roles for each of the units If you need help with Coeus at any time, please Visit the Coeus Help and Tutorials Website at:
Slide 47 Were going to open the phone lines now! There will be a slight pause, and then a recorded voice will provide instructions on how to ask questions over this conference call line. Well be answering questions in the order that we receive them. Well also be answering the questions that were ed to us during the presentation. If theres a question that we cant answer, well do some research after this session, and then the answer to all participants. Q&A
Slide 48 Thank You! Thank you for participating! We would love to hear from you. Are there certain topics that you would like us to cover in future FastFacts sessions? Would you like to be a FastFacts presenter? Please us at:
Slide 49 Survey Before we close, please take the time to complete a short survey. Your feedback will help us as we plan future FastFacts sessions. Click this link to access the survey… Thanks again!