Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) What is PLAR? What is RPL? How do we “do” PLAR/RPL? Why do we “do” PLAR/RPL?
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) PLAR/RPL is the process of identifying documenting assessing recognizing what a person knows and can do
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) What methods are used to assess prior learning? assessment of educational documents challenge process (i.e. written/oral examinations, projects, assignments, product assessments, interviews, skill demonstrations, simulation/role plays) portfolio review external course/program assessment
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Key points: Focus is on what the learner knows rather than where, when, how it was learned Clear learning outcomes/competencies must be identified by those implementing PLAR/RPL to set the assessment criteria and design the assessments PLAR/RPL processes are developed and assessed by content specialists/course experts Not all programs have PLAR/RPL processes developed for all courses
PLAR/RPL Fee Range Guidelines Assessment of Educational Documents for Transfer Credit Transfer of Credit from post secondary institutions: Manitoba (publicly funded)No Fee Canada (publicly funded) $15.00 per course (max $75.00 per application) International Fee to be considered on an individual basis (min $50 – max $250) Portfolio Assessment Fees Portfolio assessment fee for each course in which a portfolio assessment is requested Course up to 20 hours$75.00 Course 21 – 60 hours$ Course 61 + hours$250.00
PLAR/RPL Fee Range Guidelines Challenge Process Fees Challenge Examinations (i.e. written/oral $35.00 per hour of assessment up examinations, projects, assignments to a maximum of $ per course or a combination of)(includes cost of consumables) Practical Examinations, $35.00 per hour of assessment up Skill Demonstrations, Simulationsto a maximum of $ per course (plus cost of consumables) Fees for Assessing PLAR/RPL for Program Outcomes In programs where PLAR/RPL is conducted on a program outcome basis, the PLAR/RPL fees will be based on $35.00 per hour of assessment (plus cost of consumables if any) for each program outcome. The maximum amount charged to conduct PLAR/RPL for all program outcomes in a program will not exceed the full time program fee as determined by the Registrar.
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) What are the steps in the PLAR/RPL process? 1.Pre-entry/Initial Advising 2.Student Profiling 3.Preparing and Providing Evidence of Learning 4.Assessment 5.Credit awarded/Not awarded 6.Post Assessment Guidance
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) What are the benefits of PLAR/RPL? Benefits for the Learners validates learning gained through work and life experiences eliminates duplication of learning identifies areas of competence and areas requiring further study assists with career development and educational planning increases self-esteem may reduce the time and expense to acquire a credential
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Benefits for Institutions increases institutional efficiency by eliminating the need for unnecessary training may increase student recruitment and retention allows for more appropriate learner placement in programs meets the needs of a wider range of learners provides an important service for business, industry and community links enhances the image of the institution in the community
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Background of PLAR at RRC RRC was one of the first colleges to formally implement PLAR Nursing Experiential Learning Program Childcare Services Experiential Learning Program Dental Assisting Experiential Learning Policy Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Committee (now PLAR Committee)
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Background of PLAR at RRC new PLAR Policies and Procedures, PLAR system PLAR office opened with PLAR Facilitator and administrative support staff PLAR Advisor joined PLAR office Present updated terminology – RPL ongoing PLAR/RPL development and implementation across the college PLAR/RPL development with external organizations
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Future Expectations Increased demand for PLAR/RPL Continued growth in the number of college programs offering PLAR/RPL Evolution of PLAR/RPL and flexible assessment practices
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policies and Procedures A14 Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Policy Red River College will evaluate and grant credit for qualifying previous formal and non formal learning that is equivalent to College courses or programs. Recognized prior learning will be applied toward the requirements of College programs. Additionally, it can contribute to occupational or professional certification. The learning to be credited will be consistent with current Red River College course/program learning outcomes. The process will be administered in a way that ensures the College’s assessment of prior learning is valid, reliable, equitable, efficient and effective.
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policies and Procedures A14 Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Procedures 3.1 An individual interested in seeking credit for prior learning can access print and online information. Advising is available from the PLAR Advisor(s) or Academic Departments. 3.2 The PLAR Advisor(s) or Academic Departments will provide information to the individual about the process. This may take the form of an orientation session or an interview with an Advisor. 3.3 To proceed with the PLAR assessment process, an individual must be a registered student. 3.4 Fees charged for the assessment of prior learning will be based on the PLAR Fee Range guidelines. Fees will representative of the services performed in the process and not the amount of credit awarded. Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policies and Procedures A14 Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Academic Standards 3.5 The College processes used for evaluating prior learning include: a) assessment of educational documents b) assessment of evidence or portfolios that identify and verify prior learning c) assessment through challenge processes such as written or oral examinations, interviews, projects, assignments, performance/skill demonstrations, product assessments; and d) assessment of external courses/programs from non post-secondary organizations in conformance with PLAR – Assessment of External Courses from Non-Post Secondary Institutions for College Credit policy A Credit will be awarded for learning equivalent to the standards required by the programs in which the credit is sought.
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policies and Procedures A14 Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition 3.7 Credit will be awarded for demonstrated learning, which includes knowledge, skills and abilities. It will not be awarded for experience alone. 3.8 Credit will be awarded for learning which reflects both the theoretical and practical components in a balance consistent with the outcome requirements of courses/programs. 3.9 Credit will be awarded for prior learning that is appropriate to the program in which the individual is enrolled The learning for which credit is being sought must be applicable outside the specific context in which it was learned and serve as a basis for further learning The assessment of competence levels and determination of credit awards will be made by the appropriate content specialists. Final approval for credit will be the responsibility of the program Chair/Manager.
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policies and Procedures A14 Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Administrative Standards 3.12 An individual seeking credit for prior learning must have met the established admission and registration requirements to gain admittance to a program/course A student may be given up to 75% credit in a program when credit for prior learning, including transfer of credit, is awarded. If warranted, additional credits may be granted by the Dean of a School in consultation with the program Chair/Manager and the PLAR Facilitator. Any remaining program requirements must be earned in actual studies through Red River College The College will record successful PLAR in the student information system in the same way in which grades are normally transcribed. Where this is not appropriate, the designation “CR” (Credit) will be used. The College will record unsuccessful PLAR as “NC” (Not Complete) in the student information system Program Chairs/Managers or their designate will provide a completed “Results of Portfolio and/or Challenge Process Assessment” form to the appropriate student records representative and the student.
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policies and Procedures A14 Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition 3.16 Where credit has been acquired from a recognized educational institution, the assessment of educational documents or transfer of credit will follow PLAR – Transfers between RRC Programs policy A15 and PLAR – Transfer of Credits to RRC from Other Post Secondary Institutions policy A Students have the opportunity to review the evaluated work as outlined in the Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities policy S PLAR may be available to students who have been unsuccessful in taking or challenging a course. The student will require sufficient evidence of new learning and approval from the Program Chair/Manager to proceed with another assessment The Academic Appeal policy S5 will be used as the appeal process for PLAR Continuing PLAR training and professional development will be provided to all staff involved in the PLAR process as part of a quality PLAR system.