UPBC Presentation March 22, 2013 Update on Enrollment Management Planning Strategic Enrollment Planning
5 Year History Total Enrollment – Fall Term
1. Undergraduate Nursing +53 8% 2. Undergraduate Computer Science+42 25% 3. Undergraduate Exercise and Wellness % 4. Undergraduate Biology +38 6% 5. Undergraduate Industrial Engineering +3152% Where: Fall 2012 Biggest Enrollment Increases by Program
1. Undergraduate Elementary Education * % 2. Graduate Curriculum and Instr. * % 3. Graduate Unclassified * % 4. Undergraduate Civil Engineering-26-12% 5. Graduate Math(MAES) * % Where: Fall 2012 Biggest Enrollment Decreases by Program * Programs Related to Teacher Education
Why: Reasons for Enrollment Decreases 1.Programs Related to Teacher Education 2.Employment Uncertainty and Reduced Employer Tuition Benefits 3. Behavioral Issues – additional 20 students dismissed 4. Financial Issues
Financial Issues Change More FAFSAs Filed 14,99315,281+2% Fewer MAP Recipients 2,859 2,420-15% More Parent Loan (PLUS) Applications Rejected % Why: Financial Issues
5 Year Change New Student Enrollment – Fall Semester
1.Illinois State University University of Missouri Columbia SIU Carbondale University of Illinois Urbana Champ Western Illinois Eastern Illinois Northern Illinois 96 Competitors Fall For 2,980 Admitted Non-Enrollees
5 Year History Ethnicity – Fall Term * Change in Federal Ethnicity Reporting Guidelines
5 Year History SIUE Mean ACT
Strategic Enrollment Planning Traditional Freshman Cohorts (+ 60) Continue to grow applicant pool Stabilize new freshmen class size Improve first-year retention by 1% or +20 students annually Compounding retention in years 3 and students annually How? Grow High Achiever/Retainer Yield – Emphasis Academic Programs, URCA, Study Abroad, Co-Ops and Internships, Kimmel Leadership Opportunities Develop direct entry options Expand geographic reach Chicago, St. Louis Missouri, OVC Cities Student Success Advisory Council Retention Plan Implementation Increase Enrollment 140 to 160 Students a year Through 2022
Strategic Enrollment Planning Transfers (+ 66) Grow new transfer enrollment by 1% or 16 to 18 students each fall Increase transfer retention by 1% or 50 students 2006 Cohorts (F % %) (S % %) How? TAG (Transfer Advising Group) Advisors, Registrar, Admission, Financial Aid, CDC, ISS, ED Outreach, Marcom, Enrollment Management Expand and diversify our base (Chicago and St. Louis Mo.) Develop direct declaration options Increased Dual Admission Programs (DAP) - pipeline Increase formal 2+2 department level partnerships – pipeline Engineering, Theatre and Dance, Chemistry Develop additional cooperative international programs -pipeline Student Success Advisory Council Retention Plan Increase Enrollment 140 to 160 Students Annually Through 2022
Strategic Enrollment Planning Graduate (+25) Grow total graduate enrollment by 1% or 25 students each fall Remain cognizant of the number of graduate students needed to support undergraduate instruction and current levels of faculty research How? Identify and prioritize under enrolled programs Enhance recruitment and marketing infrastructure in support of current departmental efforts Capitalize on national and international recognition Increase Enrollment 140 to 160 Students a year Through 2022
Strategic Enrollment Planning =151 Additional Overarching Opportunities International Enrollment Commitment (2011 Task Force Plan 10% growth, 30 to 50 students annually) Educational Outreach (online/off campus - BJC Heath Informatics 20 students per cohort ) Spring and Summer Entry for First Time Students Increase Enrollment 140 to 160 Students a year Through 2022
Moving Forward: How Are We Adjusting To The Marketplace? 1. New Retention Plan and Retention Director (July 1, 2012) 2. Enhance Communication for Financial Aid/MAP Deadline ISIR (Institutional Student Information Record) History % 3. Target Under-Enrolled Programs for Growth – Capacity Reports 4. Expand 2+2 Community College Partnerships for Transfers 5. Expand Dual Admission Program for Transfers (Kaskaskia and Lincoln Land) 6. Expand Online Course Development 7. Explore Growth for Non-traditional, Out of State, and International Students 8. Create 3 Person Graduate and International Recruitment Team
Affordable Excellence University Tuition and Mandatory Fees Room and Board Total Billed Costs SIUE Difference I Year SIUE Difference 4 Years $ 8, $ 8,051 $ 16,915 Chicago State Univ. $ 9, $ 8,222 $ 17,949 $ 1,034 $ 4,136 Western IL Univ. $ 9, $ 8,460 $ 18,440 $ 1,525 $ 6,100 Eastern IL Univ. $ 10, $ 8,542 $ 19,075 $ 2,160 $ 8,640 Univ. of IL Springfield $ 10, $ 8,245 $ 19,136 $ 2,221 $ 8,884 SIU Carbondale $ 11, $ 8,648 $ 19,686 $ 2,771 $11,084 Northern IL Univ. $ 11, $ 8,452 $ 20,306 $ 3,391 $13,564 Illinois State Univ. $ 12, $ 9,090 $ 21,320 $ 4,405 $17,620 U of I Chicago $ 15, $ 9,124 $ 24,438 $ 7,523 $30,092 U of I Urbana Champaign $ 16, $ 9,468 $ 26,124 $ 9,209 $36,836