CC1H01N1 – Study Skills for Computing/Multimedia Week 4 – Tutorial – Harvard Rerencing
“We divided our work and I was given responsibility to design and give the introduction part. We did not keep any information that was available in the internet. Every word we used was our own.” Example
To support an argument, to make a claim or to provide ‘evidence’ To acknowledge other peoples’ ideas or work correctly To show evidence of the breadth and depth of your reading To avoid plagiarism (i.e. to take other peoples’ thoughts, ideas or writings and use them as your own) To allow the reader of your work to locate the cited references easily, and so evaluate your interpretation of those ideas To avoid losing marks! Referencing
All the items you have made direct reference to in your essay (by the authors’ name and year of publication). Material that has been helpful for reading around the subject but from which you do not make specific reference to in your work. Confusingly some people call the ‘reference list’ the ‘bibliography’ (and only use one list). No one is right or wrong in doing either, often institutional convention will determine some aspects of style. Reference list Vs Bibliography
You present material in two main ways: 1.Paraphrasing or summarizing text Most common way to use material. Putting the ideas into your own words and then stating where that information came from 2.Quoting material directly from its source Word for word as it was in its original form. Not to be used often. Use quotations only when you have to use the text in its original form or for presenting a longer quote which you use to highlight and expand on ideas or issues in your essay. How to present referred material?
The Harvard System (sometimes called the ‘name and date system’) Incorporated into the text of your work each time you make reference to that person’s ideas. This principle applies to any item that you need to reference regardless of what it is or where it comes from – you need to find the author and date of publication. Author/originators can be individuals or ‘corporate’. The author and date then become part of the text of your essay. Surname(s) only are used; initials are not included. Names can be used as part of the sentence or placed in brackets with the year following. How to cite authors?
There are many factors relating to individuals perceived body image. Jones (1993) has suggested that body image is related to self-esteem.... some commentators suggest that body image is related to self-esteem (Jones, 1993), others believe a more complex relationship exists... (Philips, 1995; Norton, 1999) Knowles et al. (1991) showed that polymer... Example
E.g.... whilst it is possible that ‘poor parenting has little effect on primary educational development it more profoundly affects secondary or higher educational achievement’ (Healey, 1993, p.22) E.g. ‘It was just a fragment, no more than 30 seconds: The Euston Road, hansoms, horse drawn trams, passers-by glancing at the camera but hurrying by without the fascination or recognition that came later. It looked like a still photograph, and had the superb picture quality found in expert work of the period, but this photograph moved!’ Walkley (1995, p.83). How do I use quotations?
Everything you cite in your essay will be listed once alphabetically by author (or originator) and subdivided by year and letter, if necessary. E.g. Adams, P. J. (1995) Mill workers in Lancashire London: Cambridge University Press. Knowles, D. (1989) The way forward: historical change and revisionism. Cambridge: Harvester Press. Salcey, B. (1996) Changes in history. The Guardian. 21st June. p9. Wilkins, R., Menzies, A., Wilder, B. and Priestley, S. (1993) Unearthing the evidence. Derby: Derbyshire Historical Society. What will the reference list look like?
Yes. But make sure that it is the editor you are citing as the originator of the text, not one of the chapter writers In the reference list you should indicate editorship by using one of the following abbreviations: Smith, L. (ed.) (1987) Statistics for engineers. London: Helman. Or: Smith, L. and Pearson, D. T. (eds.) Solving problems with algebra. Aberdeen: Falmer. Is an editor cited like an author?
Have to use a corporate author Corporate authors can be: 1.Government bodies 2.Companies 3.Professional bodies 4.Clubs or societies 5.International organizations E.g. Institute of Waste Management (1995) Ways to improve recycling. Northampton: Institute of Waste Management. What do I do if I can’t find a named person?
To distinguish between different articles, letters (a, b, c, etc.) are used with the date in the text: E.g....Johnson (1991a) has progressed both experimental and practical aspects of software technology to the point where they provide a serious challenge to Pacific Belt dominance (Johnson, 1991b)… How to distinguish between two items by the same author in the same year
A series of abbreviations can be used and are generally accepted for this purpose: author/corporate author not given use [Anon.] no date use [n.d.] no place (sine loco)use [s.l.] no publisher (sine nomine)use [s.n.] not known use [n.k.] What to do if details are not given?
Author/editor surname, initials. (Year) Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher. E.g. Orem, D. E. (1991) Nursing: concepts of practice. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book. Note: The title is in italics The date is the year of publication not printing. The edition is only mentioned if other than the first. The place of publication is the City not the Country (normally the first stated). Authors’ names can be in all capitals or first letter capital then lower case. Example: Book
Author, initials. (Year) Title [online]. Place of publication: Publisher. Available from: URL. [Accessed date]. E.g. Hutcheon, L. (2002) Politics of postmodernism [online]. London: Routledge. Available from: [Accessed: 3 rd August 2009]. Example: E-Book
Author/editor, initials. (Year) Title [online]. (Edition). Place of publication: Publisher (if ascertainable). Available from: URL [Accessed date]. E.g. British Nutrition Foundation (2003) Healthy eating: a whole diet approach [online] London: British Nutrition Foundation. Available from: 25&subSectionId=320&parentSection=299&which=1 [Accessed 11 th August 2005]. Example: World Wide Web
Screen name. Year. Title. [online]. Available from: URL. [Accessed date]. E.g. Leelefever Podcasting in plain English. [online]. Available from: MSL42NV3c [Accessed 3 July 2008]. Example: Youtube
Referencing Guide Questions & Answers The Harvard System Produced by Information Services 3 rd Edition, 2009.