PDW: Teaching Evidence-Based Management Sara Rynes 2015 AOM Meeting Vancouver, B.C.
What Is EBMgt? EBMgt is an evolution in the practice of management. It is a knowledge-intensive, capacity-building way to think, act, organize, and lead. Its practice incorporates: 1)Use of scientific principles in decisions & management processes 2)Systematic attention to organizational facts 3)Advances in practitioner judgment through critical thinking and decision aids that reduce bias & enable more complete use of information 4)Ethical considerations including effects on multiple stakeholders Rousseau, Oxford Handbook of EBMgt., 2012, p. 3
Why Teach EBMgt? There is a large body of social science & management research that can help improve individual and organizational functioning & well being Many people are unaware of this research, even if they go to business school The Internet facilitates broad access to scientific knowledge However, many people do not have the skills to assess the quality of knowledge claims, so they adopt claims consistent with their pre-existing beliefs Failure to seek and consider research evidence is arguably a form of “malpractice”; it undoubtedly has human costs Raising awareness of research evidence and the consequences of evidence- versus non-evidence based decisions increases urgency to improve research quality Drawn from Pfeffer (Foreward) & Rousseau (Preface) in Oxford Handbook of Evidence-Based Management (2012)
Special Issue on Teaching EBMgt in AMLE (Sept. 2014) Two “Research & Reviews” – Goodman, Gary & Wood: Bibliographic Search Training for EBMgt Education – Glaub, Frese, Fischer & Hoppe: Using EBMgt to increase Personal Initiative and Entrepreneurial Success Exemplary Contribution: – Trank: “Reading” EBMgt: The Possibilities of Interpretation Two Interviews with Exemplary EB Practice Teachers – Gary Latham (HR/OB); Amanda Burls & Gordon Guyatt (Medicine) Four Reviews of EB-Related Teaching Materials – Oxford Handbook of EBMgt; Jone Pearce’s OB; Gary Latham’s Becoming an EB Manager; Online EBMgt Resources
Four Essays + Exemplary Contribution (Most Relevant Today) Dietz et al.: Focus on producing local evidence Walshe & Briner: Teaching systematic review skills as foundation for EBM Gamble & Jelley: EBM Case competitions Kepes, Bennett & McDaniel: Teaching EBM with focus on assessing research trustworthiness Trank: “Reading” EBMgt: Research as a Rhetorical Act
Some Emerging Trends in Teaching EBP Start class with some sort of exercise that gets students to question their assumptions and/or be open to research-based approach Use analogies and examples from medicine Use cases (but in a “non-typical,” research- infused way) Invite research librarians in to improve search capabilities Encourage dialectic & dialogic pedagogies; less “telling” than in “push” methods
Issues Raised by the Special Issue (& To Be Discussed Today) Relationship between “push” and “pull” approaches: Push Pull Push? (Guyatt & Burls) How to deal with (frequently) sub-optimal research evidence? Potential epistemological conflicts over hierarchies of research quality Rising expectations regarding “evidence-based” claims Should we use technical, research-based terminology? How can EBMgt connect with “big data” or “data analytics” in business school curricula?