At one point in history all continents were combined in one big supercontinent For some reason the continent split apart and the smaller land masses slowly drifted to there current positions
Proposed that all landmasses were originally united into a supercontinent He named the continent Pangaea from the Greek meaning “all land” He presented a series of maps showing the breakup of Pangaea He amassed a tremendous amount of geologic evidence.
Shorelines of continents fit together matching marine, nonmarine and glacial rock sequences of Pennsylvanian to Jurassic age for all five Gondwana continents including Antarctica Mountain ranges and glacial deposits match up when continents are united into a single landmass
Fossil Evidence
Plant seeds from Glossopteris could not have been blown all over the world The distances were too great
Geologic Evidence 1. Mountain chains in South America and Africa 2. Continents looked like matching puzzle pieces (South America and Africa)
Evidence from Rocks Glacial deposits that were the same They had to be near the south pole at one time
Most geologists did not accept the idea of moving continents No one could provide a suitable mechanism to explain how continents could move over Earth’s surface