(Quiz 11; Complete Activity – Fearless Planet – Earth Story) Friday November 9, 2012 (Quiz 11; Complete Activity – Fearless Planet – Earth Story)
Explain the concept of “continental drift.” The Launch Pad Friday, 11/9/12 Explain the concept of “continental drift.” In 1915, the German geologist and meteorologist Alfred Wegener first proposed the theory of ”continental drift.” The theory states that parts of the Earth's crust slowly drift atop a mobile layer underneath. The fossil record supports and gives credence to the theories of continental drift and plate tectonics. hot sphere of magma
Explain the concept of “continental drift.” The Launch Pad Friday, 11/9/12 Explain the concept of “continental drift.” Wegener hypothesized that there was a gigantic supercontinent 200 million years ago, which he named Pangaea, meaning “all- earth.” Pangaea started to break up into two smaller supercontinents, called Laurasia and Gondwana, during the Triassic period. By the end of the Cretaceous period, the continents were separating into land masses that look like our modern-day continents. hot sphere of magma
Explain the concept of “continental drift.” The Launch Pad Friday, 11/9/12 Explain the concept of “continental drift.” Wegener published this theory in his 1915 book, On the Origin of Continents and Oceans. In it he also proposed the existence of the supercontinent, and named it Pangaea. hot sphere of magma
Announcements Happy November!
Announcements On Monday, Nimitz High School will have the opportunity to take part in an industry-sponsored “Engineers in the Classroom” event. We will have engineering representation visiting the campus from Lockheed Martin Aeronautics in Fort Worth. The site produces the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter - Lightning II, the F-16 Fighting Falcon, and is involved with a vast number of research and development projects. There will be a 30 minute presentation about the capabilities of Lockheed Martin, career opportunities for new hires and interns, expected entry salaries, and time to answer student questions. Also, there will be some giveaway items for students and faculty who participate in the event. The event will be held in the auditorium, so we will go there as soon as I take role on Monday.
Quiz 9 S4 10/26 11/9 Quiz 10 S5 11/2 11/16 Assignment Currently Open Summative or Formative? Date Issued Date Due Date Into GradeSpeed Final Day Quiz 9 S4 10/26 11/9 Quiz 10 S5 11/2 11/16 WS – The Birth of a Planet; Earth’s Spheres F7 11/5 Video Activity – Fearless Planet – Earth Story F8 11/6 11/14
Cosmic Triple Treat Will Shine in This Weekend's Dawn Skies Recent Events in Science Cosmic Triple Treat Will Shine in This Weekend's Dawn Skies Read All About It! Most of us in North America are getting up an hour earlier this week thanks to the end of daylight saving time. If you're willing to get up a little earlier still this weekend, you will witness a celestial treat: a triple conjunction of the waning crescent moon, the brilliant planet Venus, and the brightest star in the constellation Virgo, called Spica. http://www.space.com/18368-moon-venus-spica-night-sky-stargazing.html
Quiz 11 Before taking today’s Quiz, please turn in your worksheet titled “The Birth of a Planet - Earth’s Spheres.” After you finish your Quiz, please work on your worksheet titled “Fearless Planet – Earth Story” until everyone finishes their Quiz.
Quiz 11 Photos 6 8 5 9 11 10
Video Apollo 13 Highlands