Slide 1 FastFacts Feature Presentation January 22, 2013 To dial in, use this phone number and participant code… Phone number: Participant code: To participate via VoIP… You must have a sound card You must have headphones or computer speakers © 2012 The Johns Hopkins University. All rights reserved.
Slide 2 Todays Topic PI Partners Reporting Tool Access PI Partners Maintain Favorites Research at a Glance Awards Overview Award Overview with Sponsored Programs Personnel Summary Complete Labor Distribution Sponsored Program Personnel Sponsored Program Overview Sponsored Program Summary for Current Budget Period Sponsored Program Transaction Detail
Slide 3 Todays Presenter Diana Burke Senior Accountant, Office of Finance, Financial Quality Control
Slide 4 Session Segments Presentation In this session, Diana will teach you how to access PI Partners and navigate the system. Youll learn how to maintain your favorites and view your Research at a Glance. Diana will also introduce you to the summary level reports. She will show you how to navigate and drill through these summary reports to get more specific detail by sponsored program and sponsored class.
Slide 5 Contact Us If you would like to submit a question, you can us at:
Slide 6 Survey At the end of this FastFacts session, well ask you to complete a short survey. Your honest comments will help us to enhance and improve future FastFacts sessions.
Slide 7 How To View Full Screen Click Here
Slide 8 PI Partners Reporting Tool
Slide 9 The Best Environment for Research and Scholarship (BERS) Faculty Advisory Committee initiated a study to determine alternatives for improving access to Sponsored Research financial and administrative information, allowing PIs to focus more fully on their research. What is PI Partners Reporting Tool? 9
Slide 10 Improve access to sponsored research financial data PIs will have easier access to both consolidated and detailed views of their Sponsored Research funds Reports will be available in an immediately usable format Access to improved tools for analysis and validation Improve administrative effectiveness Administrators / Support Staff will spend more time on analysis and serving PI needs; less time compiling and preparing data; Reports will be available in an immediately usable format Access to improved tools for analysis and validation Improve risk/compliance profile (e.g., FSRs, deficit balance) Central Finance will see improved compliance with sponsor required financial reporting Divisions/Departments will have an improved ability to complete reconciliations; avoid deficit balances What is PI Partners Reporting Tool? (Contd)
Slide 11 Begin by logging in to SAP. Double-click the SAP icon on your desktop and log in. OR Navigate to Click the Login button. Enter your JHEDID and Password. Click the Login button. Hover over myApps and then select SAP. Accessing PI Partners
Slide 12 You will arrive at the SAP Welcome page. Click the PI Partners tab to continue. Accessing PI Partners
Slide 13 From the PI Partners tab, click the Maintain Favorites tab to navigate to this maintenance tool. Maintain Favorites will allow you to add additional awards and sponsored programs not automatically included in the reports when you log in. Remember, Administrators will need to build their portfolio of items to manage before the PI Partners reports display information. PI Partners – Maintain Favorites
Slide 14 Maintain Favorites allows PIs and administrators to self-manage the awards or sponsored programs that are displayed in the PI Partners Financial Reporting tool. Click Add Favorite Awards to add an award. OR click Add Favorite Programs to add a sponsored program. PI Partners – Maintain Favorites
Slide 15 After clicking the Add Favorite Awards button, youll arrive at the ADD Award Favorites screen. Search for awards by entering information in the Filter Awards Selection List by fields and clicking the Search button. PI Partners – Maintain Favorites
Slide 16 To add an award to your Saved Favorites, click the gray square next to the award number and then click the ADD Awards button. Click the Save All Selected Favorites button. The award you selected will now be included in the My Awards and Awards Overview reports. PI Partners – Maintain Favorites 16
Slide 17 Another way to add awards to your Favorites list is by using the PERNR number for the PI. Begin by clicking the Add Favorite Awards button. Enter the PERNR for the PI in the PI for Grant (PERNR) field and click the Search button. A list of results will be displayed. PI Partners – Maintain Favorites
Slide 18 Click the gray square next to the appropriate award and then click the ADD Awards button. Click the Save All Selected Favorites button. The award that you selected will now be included in the My Awards and Awards Overview reports. PI Partners – Maintain Favorites
Slide 19 Return to the PI Partners Welcome page to get to the navigation path for the reports available in PI Partners. Click the hyperlink for Research at a Glance to display My Awards and My Sponsored Programs. PI Partners – Research at a Glance
Slide 20 After clicking the Research at a Glance hyperlink, a new window will open displaying My Awards and My Sponsored Programs. Financial data for My Awards and My Sponsored Programs will be displayed when the PI is designated as the Grant or Sponsored Program PI. For Administrators, these reports will be empty until they create a portfolio of awards and sponsored programs using Maintain Favorites. PI Partners – Research at a Glance
Slide 21 My Awards is a condensed version of the Awards Overview report. The awards displayed are those where the PI is the Grant PI in SAP. PI Partners – Research at a Glance – My Awards 21
Slide 22 My Sponsored Programs is a condensed version of the Sponsored Program Overview report. The sponsored programs displayed are those where the PI is the Sponsored Program PI in SAP. PI Partners – Research at a Glance – My Sponsored Programs
Slide 23 Return to the PI Partners Welcome page to get to the navigation path for the reports available in PI Partners. Click the Awards Overview hyperlink to navigate to the Awards Overview report. PI Partners - Awards Overview 23
Slide 24 The Top Toolbar allows you to print, save, and export data. The Filter Toolbar allows you to filter the data in the report. Input Controls allow further report filtering, depending on the report. PI Partners – Toolbar and Filters
Slide 25 This report provides a consolidated summary-level view of financial data for a set of awards assigned to a PI. The grant numbers are hyperlinks. Click one to go to the Award Overview with Sponsored Program report. PI Partners – Awards Overview
Slide 26 This report provides a consolidated summary-level view a single award and its sponsored programs. PI Partners – Award Overview with Sponsored Program 26
Slide 27 Return to the PI Partners Welcome page to get to the navigation path for the reports available in PI Partners. Click the Personnel Summary hyperlink to navigate to the Personnel Summary report. PI Partners – Personnel Summary
Slide 28 This report provides the PI with a rolling six month history/12 month outlook of labor distributions to confirm past payment trends and allow the timely identification of upcoming staffing events, errors, or required staffing decisions. PI Partners – Personnel Summary
Slide 29 Scrolling to the right on the Personnel Summary report provides you with a 12-month outlook on future labor distributions. You can click the hyperlinks in the Reports section to navigate to other reports. PI Partners – Personnel Summary
Slide 30 Scrolling back to the left on the Personnel Summary report, you will see hyperlinks that will take you to the Complete Labor Distribution report or the Sponsored Program Personnel report. Click a PERNR # hyperlink to go to the Complete Labor Distribution report. Click a Sponsored Program # hyperlink to go to the Sponsored Program Personnel report. PI Partners – Personnel Summary
Slide 31 Clicking a PERNR # hyperlink has opened the Complete Labor Distribution report. This report provides you with a tool to review the labor distribution for the selected PERNR # and make decisions that could impact current and future distributions. PI Partners – Complete Labor Distribution
Slide 32 Clicking a Sponsored Program # hyperlink has opened the Sponsored Program Personnel report The Sponsored Program Personnel report allows you to manage salary and benefit distributions to your sponsored program(s). This report provides payroll data for the current budget period only. PI Partners – Sponsored Program Personnel
Slide 33 This report provides users with a consolidated summary-level view of the financial status of the sponsored programs for which they are responsible. The sponsored program numbers are hyperlinks. Click one to go to the Sponsored Program for Current Budget Period report. PI Partners – Sponsored Program Overview
Slide 34 This report provides a summary-level view of a sponsored program, allowing review of the financial status of the sponsored program to identify problem areas requiring further investigation. Click the hyperlink for the sponsored class to go to the Sponsored Program Transaction Detail report. PI Partners – Sponsored Program Summary for Current Budget Period
Slide 35 This report provides the core transaction details for selected activity on a sponsored program with sufficient detail to allow the user to identify and validate transactions to initiate additional investigation or error correction activities. PI Partners – Sponsored Program Transaction Detail
Slide 36 PI Partners – FastFacts Sessions FastFacts sessions are available on the PI Partners Reporting tool. Please click on the link to register or download the session: Session 1: PI Partners Reporting Tool – Overview – January 15, 2013 PI Partners Reporting Tool – Overview – January 15, 2013 Session 2: PI Partners Reporting Tool – Reports and Maintenance Tools (rebroadcast) – January 22, 2013 PI Partners Reporting Tool – Reports and Maintenance Tools (rebroadcast) – January 22, 2013 Session 3: PI Partners Reporting Tool – Planning Templates (rebroadcast) – January 29, 2013 PI Partners Reporting Tool – Planning Templates (rebroadcast) – January 29, 2013 OR, go to and search in the Course Catalog for PI Partners. Please Note: Session 2 and Session 3 are a compilation of five (5) original FastFacts sessions originally delivered in September 2012.
Slide 37 Conclusion In todays session, we talked about: Accessing PI Partners How to Maintain Favorites Research at a Glance The Summary Level Reports Awards Overview Award Overview with Sponsored Programs Personnel Summary (including Complete Labor Distribution and Sponsored Program Personnel Report) Sponsored Program Overview Sponsored Program Level Reports Sponsored Program Summary for Current Budget Period Sponsored Program Transaction Detail
Slide 38 Questions? Want more information? Please contact us by at: Q&A
Slide 39 Thank You! Thank you for participating! We would love to hear from you. Are there certain topics that you would like us to cover in future FastFacts sessions? Would you like to be a FastFacts presenter? Please us at:
Slide 40 Survey Before we close, please take the time to complete a short survey. Your feedback will help us as we plan future FastFacts sessions. Click this link to access the survey… Thanks again!