1 1 1 Central Maine Power Local System Plan Presentation Planning Advisory Committee Meeting December 16, 2009
2 2 2 Purpose of Local System Plan Per Attachment K – Local, this LSP presentation: Describes projected improvements to non-PTF that are needed to maintain reliable customer service. Reflects: –LSP Needs Assessments –Corresponding transmission system planning studies
3 3 3 LSP Communication LSP is communicated to the PAC at an ISO-NE PAC RSP meeting once a year. –Separate meetings can be arranged if needed PAC, Transmission Customers, and other Stakeholders have 30 days to provide written comments for consideration to CMP –CMP’s contact: David M. Conroy Manager System Planning Central Maine Power Company 83 Edison Drive Augusta, Maine (
4 4 4 LSP Communication cont. Each PTO is individually responsible for publicly posting and updating the status of its respective LSP and the transmission projects list on a website in a format similar to the RSP project list The ISO-NE RSP project list contains links to each individual PTO’s transmission project list CMP’s LSP project list is located at: Services/CMPTransmissionSvc/lsp.html
5 5 5 CMP LSP Project List Central Maine Power will update the LSP project list at least annually. A presentation of the LSP will be made annually. LSP Project List is a cumulative listing of proposed transmission solutions intended to meet identified needs. Similar to PTF projects in the RSP, the LSP project list contains a status of each non-PTF project: Concept Proposed Planned Under Construction In-Service
6 6 6 CMP’s Local System Planning Process All CMP system upgrades are determined in accordance with Central Maine Power Company Transmission Planning Criteria. Planning studies can result from: –Periodic Assessment of CMPs 14 Local Planning Areas –Load Growth –Retail or Wholesale Customer Request –Generator Interconnection Request –System-Wide Contingency Analysis Studies may utilize both ISO-NE Library Base Cases and/or Local CMP Base Cases. Generator Interconnections on the non-PTF Transmission System are guided by the CMP Transmission & Distribution Interconnection Requirements for Generation.
7 7 7 LSP Projects NeedProjected In-Service Date Major Project StatusNeeds AssessmentSolutions Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2011 Portland North Area Reliability Study Line workProposed Several transmission elements would experience overloading under normal operating and/or single element contingency conditions in 2011 Re-rate portions of four 34kV lines: S180A, S102, S180, S188 Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2012 Bishop Street Substation Proposed Low voltages on Section 188 under single element contingencies, violation of 25 MW loss of load criteria Add 2-34 kV breakers, add 5.4 MVAR capacitor bank Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study2012 Falmouth Substation Proposed Low Voltages on Section 180 under single element contingencies, violation of 25 MW loss of load criteria Add 2-34 kV breakers Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2012 Voltage support Proposed Low Voltages in the local area under single element contingencies Add 5.4 MVAR capacitor bank at Freeport, E. Deering, (2) N. Gorham S/S
8 8 8 LSP Projects Need Projected In-Service Date Major Project StatusNeeds AssessmentSolutions Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2012 Portland North Area Reliability Study (Cont) Line workProposed Several transmission elements would experience overloading under normal operating and/or single element contingency conditions in 2012 Rebuild portions of two 34kV lines: S180, S188 Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2013 Elm Street Substation Proposed Transmission elements experienced overloading (Not needed if Raven Farm is built for MPRP) Bring S164 in/out of Elm St, re-rate S164A Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study2014 Swett Rd. Substation Proposed Low Voltages in the local area under single element contingencies Add 2-34 kV breakers, rebuild S103 Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2015 East Deering Substation Proposed Additional source needed in the area (Coordinate with MPRP) kV S/S, 115kV line from Elm St.
9 9 9 LSP Projects Need Projected In-Service Date Major Project StatusNeeds AssessmentSolutions Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2015 Portland North Area Reliability Study (Cont) North Yarmouth Substation Proposed Reliability Concerns under single element contingencies kV S/S, 115kV line to Gray and Freeport, 2-34 kV breakers at Gray and Freeport Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2017 Swett Road Substation Proposed Voltage support is neededAdd 5.4 MVAR capacitor bank Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2018 Prides Corner Substation Proposed Additional voltage support is needed Add an additional 5.4 MVAR capacitor bank Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study2011 Skowhegan Area Reliability Study Line workProposed Transmission element experienced overloading under single element contingency conditions Re-rate S73
10 LSP Projects Need Projected In-Service Date Major Project StatusNeeds AssessmentSolutions Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study2012 Skowhegan Area Reliability Study (Cont) Voltage Support on S83 Proposed Low Voltages in the local area under single element contingencies 20 MVAR Cap Bank Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2012 Norridgewock Substation Proposed Additional source needed in the area, distribution circuits being overloaded 34/12kV S/S, 34kV line from Weston S/S, 34kV breaker at Weston Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2013 Lakewood Substation Proposed Reliability Concerns under single element contingencies 2 nd 115/34kV xfmr, tap S241 with new 115kV line Load Growth2011 Bath Area Line workProposed Transmission elements experienced overloading under single element contingency conditions Rebuild S55 & S58
11 LSP Projects NeedProjected In-Service Date Major Project StatusNeeds AssessmentSolutions Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study June 2009Boothbay Area Reliability Study Newcastle Substation In-ServiceSeveral transmission elements would experience overloading under normal operating conditions in 2010 Add 2 nd transformer, re-rate five 34kV lines, add 115 breakers, add 5.4 MVAR capacitor bank Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study May 2009Edgecomb Substation In-ServiceWidespread low voltageAdd 34 kV breakers, add 5.4 MVAR capacitor bank Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study February 2009 Boothbay Substation In-ServiceLow VoltageAdd 2.7 MVAR capacitor bank Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study December 2008 Damariscotta Substation In-ServiceLow VoltageAdd 3.6 MVAR capacitor bank
12 LSP Projects NeedProjected In-Service Date Major Project StatusNeeds AssessmentSolutions Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2011Augusta Area Reliability Study Line Re- ratings ProposedSeveral transmission elements overloaded under normal operating conditions Re-rate 34 kV line Sections 39 & 41 to 212°F thermal limit Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2011Bowman St Substation ProposedBowman St 115/34 kV transformer overloaded and low 34 kV bus voltage post-contingency Add 2 nd kV transformer Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2013Maxcys Substation ProposedLow voltages following loss of Maxcys 115/34 kV transformer Add second 14 MVA 115/34 kV transformer at Maxcys. Coordinate w/MPRP Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study December 2008 Augusta East Side Substation In-Service115 kV Line Section 88 fault results in loss of 115/34 kV supply at Augusta East Side and low 34 kV bus voltages Replace Augusta East Side 115 kV motor operated air break switch with a circuit breaker
13 LSP Projects NeedProjected In- Service Date Major Project StatusNeeds AssessmentSolutions Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2010Berwick - Lebanon Area Reliability Study High St Substation PlannedThermal restrictions on transmission elements Re-rate S114, S112A, S114A & S185 Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2011 Bassett Substation PlannedExperiencing high load growth, thermal restriction on Section 118 New Bassett S/S Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2013ProposedExperiencing high load growth, thermal restriction on Section 118 Add 2 nd 34 kV line from Quaker Hill to Bassett Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2013Berwick Substation ProposedLoad growth, inadequate 34/12 kV capacity, overloaded distribution circuits Add 34 kV transmission line Bassett to Berwick, new Berwick S/S
14 LSP Projects NeedProjected In-Service Date Major Project StatusNeeds AssessmentSolutions Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2014Berwick - Lebanon Area Reliability Study (Cont.) New Lebanon Substation ProposedLoad growth in Lebanon area will exceed area capacity Add new Lebanon S/S, add 34 kV transmission line from Butler’s Corner Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2011Camden- Rockland Area Reliability Study Camden Substation ProposedLow voltageAdd 5.4 MVAR capacitor bank Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2011Park St Substation ProposedLow voltageAdd 5.4 MVAR capacitor bank Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2011Meadow Rd Substation ProposedLow voltageAdd 10.8 MVAR capacitor bank Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2012Highland Substation ProposedIncreased reliability to meet planning loss of load criteria by splitting Section 51 (Warren – Waldoboro). Add 1 mile 34.5 kV line to separate Warren – Waldoboro line
15 LSP Projects NeedProjected In-Service Date Major Project StatusNeeds AssessmentSolutions Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2013Camden- Rockland Area Reliability Study (Cont.) Highland Substation ProposedNeed for post- contingent support in the area provided by a new 34 kV line. New 34 kV transmission line to Meadow Rd Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2009Lewiston- Auburn Area Reliability Study Line Re-ratings In-Service34 kV line sections are overloaded for normal operating conditions Re-rate five 34 kV lines: Sections 41, 45, 46, 50, & 72 Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2010Hotel Road Substation Under- Construction Post-contingency 34 kV low voltage problems & overloading of Hotel Rd 115/34 kV transformer Install 2 nd 115/34 kV transformer at Hotel Road Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2010Leeds Substation PlannedLow voltage and transformer loading at Turner Build a new Leeds 115/34 kV distribution substation
16 LSP Projects NeedProjected In-Service Date Major Project StatusNeeds AssessmentSolutions Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2012Lewiston- Auburn Area Reliability Study (Cont.) Gulf Island - Lewiston Lower Substations PlannedOverloading of Lewiston - Auburn Downtown Transmission Corridor Reinforce Gulf Island – Lewiston Lower transmission system via new 115 kV transmission line. (Coordinate with MPRP) Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2012Saco Bay Area Reliability Study New Vallee Lane & Goosefare Substations PlannedAdditional 115 kV transformer capacity and voltage support is needed in the Saco Bay Area. Loss of Section 193 violates CMP’s loss of load criterion. New 115 kV double- circuit line from Louden to Old Orchard Beach New 115/34.5 kV Substation in Old Orchard Beach Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2010Louden Substation Planned34 kV line overloadRebuild 34.5kV Section 174
17 LSP Projects NeedProjected In-Service Date Major Project StatusNeeds AssessmentSolutions Load Growth/ Sub-Area Study 2012Mid-Coast Reliability Study Belfast: Breakers ProposedLoss of Section 86 exceeds CMP’s loss of load criterion and results in low voltages Add 115 kV breakers at Belfast Build ~ 1 mile 115 kV tap line Add 10.8 MVAR 34.5 kV capacitor bank Coordinate with MPRP
18 LSP Generation Projects NeedProjected In-Service Date Major Project ProjectStatusNeeds Assessment Solutions Generator Interconnect 2009ISO-NE Queue # 138 In ServiceMet Developer’s Interconnection Request & Implemented the Recommendations contained in the I.3.9 Proposed Plan Application Rebuild Bigelow Substation Wyman Hydro Substation Upgrades Re-rate Sect 215 Several area capacitor banks Generator Interconnect 2011ISO-NE Queue # 197 Planned (CPCN in Progress) Request to connect 50.6 MW Wind Farm to new CMP 115 kV Line Section 270 New 115 kV Line Section 270 north of Rumford 115 kV Substation New Roxbury Substation Move 115/34 kV transformer from Rumford to Roxbury
19 LSP Generation Projects NeedProjected In-Service Date Major Project ProjectStatusNeeds AssessmentSolutions Generator Interconnect 2012ISO-NE Queue # 272 ConceptInterconnection Request for 85 MW Wind Farm to tap into CMP 115 kV Line Section 222 north of Wyman Hydro Substation Undergoing Feasibility Study Generator Interconnect 2011ISO-NE Queue # 215 ConceptInterconnection Request for 50 MW Wind Farm to tap into new CMP 115 kV Line Section 270 north of Rumford 115 kV Substation Undergoing System Impact Study Generator Interconnect 2010ISO-NE Queue # 244 ConceptInterconnection Request for MW Wind Farm to tie into CMP Wyman Hydro Substation Undergoing System Impact Study
20 LSP Generation Projects NeedProjected In-Service Date Major Project ProjectStatusNeeds AssessmentSolutions Generator Interconnect 2010ISO-NE Queue # 287 ConceptInterconnection Request for 34.5 MW Wind Farm to tie into CMP Rumford IP Substation Undergoing Feasibility Study Generator Interconnect 2012ISO-NE Queue # 290 ConceptInterconnection Request for 18 MW Wind Farm to tie into CMP Woodstock Substation Undergoing Feasibility Study Generator Interconnect 2011ISO-NE Queue # 300 ConceptInterconnection Request for 52.5 MW Wind Farm to tap into CMP 115 kV Line Section 229 between Rumford Substation and Riley Substation Undergoing Feasibility Study
21 LSP Future Studies Major ProjectProjected Study Date StatusNeeds AssessmentSolutions Waterville/ Winslow Area Reliability Study 2010ConceptContingency processor showed thermal and voltage violations under single element contingencies Conduct area reliability study and assess possible system upgrades Southern Maine Area Reliability Study 2010ConceptContingency processor showed thermal and voltage violations under single element contingencies Conduct area reliability study and assess possible system upgrades Lakes Region Area Reliability Study 2010ConceptContingency processor showed thermal and voltage violations under single element contingencies Conduct area reliability study and assess possible system upgrades