Zimbabwe Appeal 2010
In the former ‘breadbasket of Africa’, 2 million people need food aid to survive.
Shadreck risks his future to survive in the present. He has left school so he can provide food for his sister and grandmother. Most days, they eat just two meals. They have become experts at making supplies last. ‘Yes, we feel hungry but there’s nothing we can do. We have been living with hunger since our mother died’. Shadreck, aged 12, Zimbabwe
Your prayers have helped Zimbabwe’s church to survive violence and hardship. Now, we have a window of opportunity to act. In this period of relative calm, the church in Zimbabwe wants to help people get back on their feet and feed themselves, like they used to.
‘God is good and is going to bless us. He has been our protector.’ Shadreck, aged 12. Once a month, Shadreck’s church gives his family porridge and beans. Church volunteer Sellinah Farakeza visits regularly, training Shadreck to grow maize on his small plot of land.
For the love of God to surround and strengthen children like Shadreck as they help to care and provide for their family members That this opportunity to end hunger in Zimbabwe would be successful and for political stability to continue As the people of Zimbabwe strive for a better future, please pray.
Please pray For the church in Zimbabwe – for God to sustain their hope and their faith For Tearfund partner Zoe helping local churches to reach the orphans in their community, providing food, agricultural training and education Give God thanks for the courage and endurance shown by the Zimbabwean people in the face of adversity
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