¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español 1! Sra. Firestone
Me llamo Sra. Firestone. Soy de Hiram, Georgia. Me gusta la música y me gusta viajar.
I love music and I love to travel! I have been to 10 countries. You will quickly learn that Costa Rica is my second home. I have been there 15 times.
I'm a graduate of Hiram High School and I received my Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages from Georgia Southern University. I have a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics/Spanish from The University of Alabama where I also taught for two years. This is my second year at RHS.
Entering the classroom… 1.Upon entering, you will sit in your assigned seat and begin working on your bell ringer. 1.Once the tardy bell rings, you are LATE and my door will be closed. You must go and get a pass if you do not have one.
Assigned Seats Starting today, you have assigned seats. These are not permanent and will change occasionally. Refusing to sit in your assigned seat will result in detention.
Daily Bell Ringers These will be graded every Friday. (new RHS policy) You can scan the QR code from the bell ringer poster or go to my OLC. We will call these our “cultura diaria”, or daily culture. Daily bell ringers MUST be in your composition notebook.
Exiting the classroom… 1. Before exiting, we will make sure all areas are neat and clean. 2. I dismiss you, not the bell. 3. Use the orange pass to go to the restroom. Anywhere else, you must fill out the new RHS slip.
Participation Participation is the KEY to success in Spanish class. Please raise your hand before you speak. Listen while others are talking. You will be called upon based on your chair number. Group work will take place daily.
To gain your attention… If I need to make an announcement, in order to gain your attention I will raise my hand until I have received everyone’s attention.
Device Policy I decide when electronic devices are allowed to be used for educational purposes. Please check the device use sign before using your phone or iPad. I will take collect devices if used inappropriately.
Translator Policy It’s simple….. The use of any electronic translator will result in the score of ZERO on any assignment. The second violation will result ina discipline referral.
Materials and Supplies Check your syllabus for required supplies. We have a class set of supplies, but these are a privilege that will be taken away if the materials are misused or left unorganized.
What to do if you are absent… If you are absent from my class, all notes and assignments are located on my OLC. I also keep hard copies of assignments in the boxes. The boxes in the student section are also where you will turn in work. They are organized by period. You are responsible for what you miss!
Our classroom, Our home I expect you to treat this classroom as you would your home. Please place all garbage in the trash can. Do not peel the desks! Be careful with food and drinks. Yes, I allow them, but it’s a privilege.
Fire Drills 1.When the alarm sounds quickly and safely exit the room via the back door. 2.Follow the class in a straight line to our designated area. 3.Wait patiently for the signal to re-enter the building. 4.Once in the building, return to your seats quietly and get ready to continue the lesson. 5.Wipe your feet off before coming back in!
Tornado Drill Do NOT talk! Go into hall directly outside of our classroom. Sit where you are told to. Remain silent and listen for directions from your teacher.
Respectful… Raise your hand before you speak. Listen while others are speaking. Ask before getting out of your seat. Be respectful and kind towards everyone in the class at all times.
Responsible… Keep up with your notes and assignments. Take accountability for what you miss when you are absent. Do and turn in your own work. Come to tutoring if needed.
Prepared… Arrive on time and complete the daily bell ringer. Bring your materials every day. (Charged iPad, headphones, notebooks, writing utensil) Stay on top of due dates. (REMIND 101) Listen to and follow all instructions closely.
Pet Peeves Disrespect and Bullying Leaving trash behind/Not taking care of the classroom Cheating Use of foul language
Discipline Procedures 1 st Offense – Warning 2 nd Offense – Detention 3 rd Offense – Parent Contact 4 th offense – Discipline Referral (pink slip)
Syllabus Review syllabus: re-test policy, make-up policy, etc. Must detach bottom portion of second page and return signed by you and a parent/guardian.
What we’ll cover in Spanish 1 this year… 7 units:
MY OLC How to get there: Go to the PSD main page. Schools RHS Teacher Websites Firestone a.us/ You can add a shortcut on your iPad’s homescreen. Ask and I’ll show you how!
Tonight’s Homework Bring back signed syllabus. Download apps for Spanish class. Sign up for Remind.
3-2-1 Exit Slip 3 - things you want me to know about you 2 - things that will help you learn or succeed in this class 1 - question that you have about this Spanish class Please place in the box for your period before exiting.