Slide 1 FastFacts Feature Presentation April 27, 2010 We are using audio during this session, so please dial in to our conference line… Phone number: Participant code: © 2010 The Johns Hopkins University. All rights reserved. 1
Slide 2 Todays Topic Well be taking a look at… Managing Changes in Funding for JHU Students 2
Slide 3 Todays Presenter Cynthia Addison Manager, HR Shared Services 3
Slide 4 Session Segments Presentation Cynthia will address managing changes in funding for JHU students. During Cynthias presentation, your phone will be muted. Q&A After the presentation, well hold a Q&A session. Well open up the phone lines, and youll be able to ask questions. Cynthia will answer as many of your questions as time allows. 4
Slide 5 Contact Us If you would like to submit a question during the presentation or if youre having technical difficulties, you can us at: You can also send us an instant message! GoogleTalk – AOL Instant Messenger – HopkinsFastFacts MSN – 5
Slide 6 How To View Full Screen 6
Slide 7 Survey At the end of this FastFacts session, well ask you to complete a short survey. Your honest comments will help us to enhance and improve future FastFacts sessions. 7
Slide 8 Managing Changes in Funding for JHU Students Fellowship and Wage Earning Positions 8
Slide 9 Section 1 Fellowship vs. Wage Positions Section 2 Switching Earnings Between Fellowship and Wage Positions Section 3 Retroactive Changes Concurrent Employment Agenda 9
Slide 10 Fellowship vs. Wage Positions Fellowship earnings Payment for independent research or study Classification of wages is driven by IRS regulations Not subject to mandatory tax withholdings Ineligible for retirement savings (postdocs) Individuals with the fellow may or not be classified as a fellowship recipient Employee group 8 (non employee); subgroup 20 (fellowship recipient) See Enterprise Structure on the HRSS WebsiteEnterprise Structure Detailed instructions on how to set up a fellowship recipient can also be found on the HRSS websitehow to set up a fellowship recipient Wage earnings Compensation for services Subject to mandatory tax withholdings Postdocs may contribute to the retirement savings plan 10 Section 1
Slide 11 Discontinuation of Fellowship Position Options for the Fellowship position: Termination ISR using reason code 59 (Fellowship to Wage JHU only) Place on temp inactive ( HRSS) LOA w/o pay ISR o All Students in Homewood Schools are excluded o Applies to Postdocs, Medical Interns/Residents/Trainees Effective Date of ISR must be same for wage position to avoid an overpayment Comments Section of ISR Hire or return from LOA/Temp Inactive ISR for wage position is being created 11 Section 2
Slide 12 Hiring Process – Wage Position Position Create/Copy ISR if a vacant wage position is not available A new I9 is required if: Valid I9 is not on file in Talx Break in service is greater than 3 calendar days Work authorization changes or expires for Non-US citizens since the last I9 on file with Talx was completed o Contact your International Office New direct deposit forms not required; direct deposit will continue provided there is a valid I9 on file in Talx New tax forms recommended; otherwise standard tax defaults will be applied to earnings (Single Fed w/0 exemptions; State tax w/1 exemption) Active deductions will continue on new position 12 Section 2
Slide 13 Hiring Process – Wage Position (contd) Hire ISR or return from LOA/Temp Inactive ISR Effective Date of ISR must be same as the fellowship recipient position ISR to avoid an overpayment ISR Comments Section Changing from fellowship to wage ISR # for fellowship position being discontinued 13 Section 2
Slide 14 Discontinuation of Wage Position Options for the Wage position: Termination ISR using reason code 58 (Wage to Fellowship JHU only) Place on temp inactive ( HRSS) LOA w/o pay ISR o All Students in Homewood Schools are excluded o Applies to Postdocs, Medical Interns/Residents/Trainees Effective Date of ISR must be same for fellowship position to avoid an overpayment ISR Comments Section Hire or return from LOA/Temp Inactive ISR for fellowship recipient position is being created 14 Section 2
Slide 15 Hiring Process – Fellowship Position Position Create/Copy ISR if a vacant fellowship recipient position is not available. 2 nd approver is required from the JHU Tax Office. No new I9 required Contact your International Office when hiring Non-US citizens as work authorization/eligibility may change New direct deposit forms not required New tax forms not required Active deductions will continue on new position 15 Section 2
Slide 16 Hiring Process – Fellowship Position (contd) Hire ISR or return from LOA/Temp Inactive ISR Effective Date of ISR must be the same as the wage position ISR to avoid an overpayment ISR Comments Section Changing from wage to fellowship ISR # for wage position being discontinued 16 Section 2
Slide 17 Retroactive Changes within Calendar Year All ISRs must be approved and completed by HRSS within same pay cycle to avoid an overpayment Coordinate with Student Employment (Homewood Schools) or HRSS Taxes withheld while in a wage position will be refunded in one lump sum once the switch to fellowship earnings occurs Taxes not withheld while in a fellowship recipient position will be deducted in one lump sum once the switch to wage earnings occurs Voluntary contributions to a retirement savings plan while earning wages will be refunded when the switch to fellowship earnings is completed 17 Section 3
Slide 18 Retroactive Changes in a Previous Calendar Year – No Monetary Impact No additional monies are owed to the student No change in position status or earnings type is permitted All ISRs must be processed within the same pay cycle to avoid an overpayment Effective dates of ISRs on both position types must be the same Submit an eform to move monies on active or termed pernr (whichever is applicable) to the appropriate funding sources Fringe may be charged to a training grant if used as the funding source on wage earning position Journal vouchers can be utilized to move fringe dollars to another funding source if appropriate; contact Payroll Initiate a hire, return from LOA/Temp Inactive ISR or salary change ISR at the beginning of the current calendar year if earnings are to continue 18 Section 3
Slide 19 Retroactive Changes into a Previous Calendar Year – Monetary Impact Additional monies are owed to the student No change in position status or earnings type is permitted All ISRs must be processed within the same pay cycle to avoid an overpayment Submit a salary change ISR to increase the earnings for the position that was active in the previous calendar year Adjust funding sources on ISR if within 3 month period; otherwise, submit an eform to move monies on active or termed pernr (whichever is applicable) to the appropriate funding sources Fringe may be charged to a training grant if used as the funding source on wage earning positions Journal vouchers can be utilized to move fringe dollars to another funding source if appropriate; contact Payroll Initiate a hire, return from LOA/Temp Inactive ISR or salary change ISR at the beginning of the current calendar year if earnings are to continue 19 Section 3
Slide 20 Concurrent Employment Funding Changes within the same calendar year Earnings increase on one position and decrease on the other position; both pernrs are active and total earnings remains unchanged Process a salary change ISR to increase the earnings on one pernr Process a salary change ISR to decrease the earnings on the other pernr How to avoid an overpayment Effective dates on both ISRs must be the same Both ISRs must be processed and approved and completed by HRSS within the same pay cycle –Please note: These ISRs are auto-uploaded and not reviewed by HRSS. Please review ISR report to verify that both ISRs are completed within the same pay cycle. Consultation with Student Employment (Homewood Schools) or HRSS is recommended. 20 Section 3
Slide 21 Concurrent Employment (contd) Funding Changes within the same calendar year (contd) Earnings decrease on active position and a position with the opposite attributes is not active in org (does not exist or on temp inactive/loa) Process a salary change ISR to decrease the earnings on the active position Process a hire ISR to hire into a new position or process a return from loa/temp inactive ISR on an existing pernr; earnings on this pernr will represent the amount decreased on the active position How to avoid an overpayment Effective dates on both ISRs must be the same Both ISRs must be processed and approved and completed by HRSS within the same pay cycle –Please note: These ISRs are auto-uploaded and not reviewed by HRSS. Please review ISR report to verify that both ISRs are completed within the same pay cycle. Consultation with Student Employment (Homewood Schools) or HRSS is recommended. 21 Section 3
Slide 22 Concurrent Employment (contd) Retroactive Funding Changes in a previous calendar year with no monetary impact Submit an Eform to move monies to the training grant in the time frame that the training grant was approved. Can be a wage or a fellowship recipient pernr. For example, the individual has an active or terminated pernr that was charged a total of $8, for the period of 11/1/09 – 12/31/09. The training grant was approved 11/1/2009 but the change was not made in the appropriate calendar year. The annualized amount approved on the training grant is $10,000. $ ($10,000/24) will be moved each pay period from 11/1/09 – 12/31/09 to the training grant ($ ) from the current funding source. No change in position status or earnings type is required/permitted. If the Eform is processed on a wage pernr, fringe may be charged to the training grant. If this is not appropriate, please contact Payroll to request that the fringe dollars be moved to a different funding source (journal voucher). Initiate a Hire or return from loa/temp inactive ISR at the beginning of the current calendar year if earnings are to continue. Please refer to the instructions in Section 2 of this presentation. 22 Section 3
Slide 23 Concurrent Employment (contd) Retroactive Funding Changes in a previous calendar year with monetary impact A salary change ISR must be submitted to increase the salary if additional monies are owed using the appropriate effective date in the previous calendar year and charging the correct funding source (training grant, general funds, etc). If outside of the 3 month window, submit an Eform to move monies to the training grant in the time frame that the training grant was approved. If the Eform is processed on a wage pernr, fringe may be charged to the training grant. If this is not appropriate, please contact Payroll to request that the fringe dollars be moved to a different funding source (journal voucher). Initiate a Hire or return from loa/temp inactive ISR for the fellowship recipient position at the beginning of the current calendar year if earnings are to continue. Please refer to the instruction in Section 2 of this presentation. 23 Section 3
Slide 24 Switching between fellowship and wage earnings may be done without causing overpayments or jeopardizing funding requirements Coordination w/Student Employment and/or HRSS is imperative Retroactive changes within a calendar year are handled the same as changes made on time or in advance All ISRs must be approved and completed within same pay cycle. Retroactive changes back to a previous calendar year are handled differently and involve the completion of eforms to move dollars to correct funding sources. The presentation today covered a few of the most common scenarios. For assistance with different scenarios, please contact Student Employment (Homewood Schools) or HRSS for assistance. Wrap-Up 24
Slide 25 Were going to open the phone lines now! There will be a slight pause, and then a recorded voice will provide instructions on how to ask questions over this conference call line. Well be answering questions in the order that we receive them. Well also be answering the questions that were ed to us during the presentation. If theres a question that we cant answer, well do some research after this session, and then the answer to all participants. Q&A 25
Slide 26 Thank You! Thank you for participating! We would love to hear from you. Are there certain topics that you would like us to cover in future FastFacts sessions? Would you like to be a FastFacts presenter? Please us at: 26
Slide 27 Survey Before we close, please take the time to complete a short survey. Your feedback will help us as we plan future FastFacts sessions. Click this link to access the survey… Thanks again! 27